it's not currently on the monitor but lurking behind the plastic coverings I put over everything which wouldn't be cleanable had the engineer been a masked intruder to fix things and not a sociopath barred from the house altogether.
not sure where the splooshy ducks have got to. At least one of them (a very precious-to-me antique from my grandmother) lives in a different house and it's possible the others are hanging out there too.
a range of tiny cuddlies who are very good at that. Clinging onto small stalks of various kinds is absolutely their thing. They came from somewhere (back in the early 80s?) which no longer exists and have been living with me ever since.
never seen one with the giantism that would be required to hug the trunk of a substantial tree though (in the way that Hamleys in London used to have giant display versions of some things).