Usual shit applies: • First come, first serve. • Caps must be supplied. • Five slots available. • Beyonce must be listened to. • Sympathy must be given to me as it is my Monday.
I think I'll be opening up commissions in my morning moving forward as it's easier for me to organise for many personal reasons. I know that this may not jive with some people who are interested in commissioning me as I know the universal timezone is, unfortunately, not AEST.
With that said, if you've been wanting to commission me over the last several months (since Pawprints) but haven't because of the time I've been opening and whatnot, feel free to reach out to me. This isn't a guarantee that you'll get a spot or whatnot because I really want to avoid doing reserves (it's a lot of work on my end),
I'm also considering opening up requests, but I'll confirm what I want to do closer to Monday. It's been a wild, horrible time in Sydney and I don't want to take on too much, so I'll see how I feel closer to Monday and confirm. Sorry for being a bit of a shit!
If you have any qs, feel free to ask them! If there's any, I'll answer them tomorrow as I am tired and one of my cats is requesting I go to bed. Thanks again for everyone's enthusiasm and support!
Hi! I've chosen to trial opening requests for this round. Top level deets: • Three slots available. • First come, first serve. • Caps must be supplied. • 15 icons maximum. • If you commission me, please do not take up a request spot.
• First come, first serve.
• Caps must be supplied.
• Five slots available.
• Beyonce must be listened to.
• Sympathy must be given to me as it is my Monday.
I'm joking with the last two bits.
Again, I can't guarantee anything because while I want to be fair and flexible, I also need to keep being fair and flexible to myself in mind.
• Three slots available.
• First come, first serve.
• Caps must be supplied.
• 15 icons maximum.
• If you commission me, please do not take up a request spot.