papermint tiger
how badly will i rage when they fuck up the anime versions...
papermint tiger
probably not as badly as Hᥱᥲɾt oƒ StᥱᥱꙆ lbr but
papermint tiger
well, they start off by calling it a '2001 cult classic' so at least they're acknowledging right off the bat that they're tackling the whole thing
papermint tiger
lmao they're trying to say that the entire show was about whether faith or science was more important
papermint tiger
don't give Liore that much power, it's already powerful enough
papermint tiger
okay good the youtuber likes both versions
papermint tiger
yup /sigh
papermint tiger
they're clearly showing Brotherhood clips but for some reason they choose to go by 03's lineup (probably because the very first episode starts with a religious cult)
papermint tiger
actually it's kind of fun to identify each clip
Hᥱᥲɾt oƒ StᥱᥱꙆ
I'm three minutes into this? it feels like I've been watching for 10 seconds and I already want to leave
papermint tiger
lmaooooo yeah i feel that