Am I the only one who doesn’t like to watch news in video? I mean, for 15 minutes news video, I can just read it in 1-5 minutes if it’s available written. And within 15 minutes I can read more news
i don't have the patience to watch news videos. I prefer reading
So I’m not the only one
except when the news is actually about a video or like a footage
like this
Chinese taxi driver slapped after trying to calm abu...
Of course there’s some exception. Like documentaries and stuff. but everyday news, I always prefer to read it.
news video itu ky dijadiin background aja si. kalo pas nanti ada kedengeran berita menarik baru liat tivi. bukan untuk dipantengin full
In some case reading is better, faster for short news & skimming. With video I love the subtitles, some video provides transcripts too, which safe my time to write. Video is great if you need a visual & audible explanation esp if you have no time to read, you can do multitasking. Both are conjointly need one another, depending on people preferences.
Agreed that video is better as background i.e. TV or streaming, but the kind of news that forces us to watch one, and only exactly one coverage, is really annoying
aku lebih seneng baca berita.