[Dreams, tw: blood?] Didn't so much have a bad dream but did have an image pop up towards the end that is keeping with me
Towards the early hours of the morning (I guesstimate around 7) I did a motion with my arm and my shoulder really hurt. I don't know why but it doesn't hurt the same now.

The reason I mention this is cause it might link to the image I had, where I coughed into my hand and there was a dark red substance in my palm after
This was just in a dream and coughing in the waking world doesn't produce this but I wondered if like, my body is all right? Or why did I have such an image anyway?
Catgirl Crimes
I mean as a symbol blood represents life and strength and coughing it up could indicate a loss of strength in a certain area of your life.
Catgirl Crimes
I know that goes into a little woo territory, but I'm a witch what can you do
nono, that's fair and maybe it's appropriate
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It could also be indicative of purging a problem in the near future since you're expelling something.
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Like dream interpretation is not necessarily predicative, but since it's your subconscious, it can alert you to things. I take the Jungian branch of there's universal symbols and a collective unconsciousness so I mean