I have encountered a depressing number of people who won't do either of these things and seem to think they're just magically going to be protected and the virus is going to stop spreading because something something herd immunity
: its so!!! fucking stupid!!! people literally think they're just gonna WILL IT AWAY? or covid wont touch them since things are getting ~better~? obviously, they're not getting better!!
i know its dumb to be annoyed over since its not a big deal in the long run but i wanted to go to disney once back to school rush at work is over... weh
It's bad enough in a normal year during cold and flu season because people will come in when they're sick and bored and cough and snot all over everything and make us all sick
Many of our customers are still choosing to wear them too, whether it's because they're unvaccinated or because they're cautious I'm not sure, but I am glad they are
Virus: continues to exist and spread
People: surprised pikachu.jpg