: I have very little formal math training but fortunately I have an okay ability to visualize problems. The challenge comes in converting that intuition into code that my computer can understand.
....and I still calculated some of the scaling factors wrong but with more diagrams and an excel spreadsheet, I now have half of the calculations done!!
: Unfortunately not, it's DNA coordinates (basically a number line) that have to be scaled to represent their position in a loop structure, relative to features within the loop.
My thesis project centers around interactions between two classes of regulatory features that interact to affect how genes are used, and the scope of these regulators turns out to be broadly defined by whether they're located in a looping structure called a Topologically Associating Domain.
I'm generating a plot to prove that using this fucky circular TAD mapping is actually more efficient for determining likelihood of regulatory action than the traditional linear coordinate system.
I totally whiffed my calculations in like five different ways today before I finally just threw an example TAD's features into an excel spreadsheet and figured out what scaling factors needed to be applied based on relative position to my reference points and the TAD boundaries
...and then I still got nonsensical results for a good half an hour until I realized "oh right" "don't take a logically-defined subset off of the data that you're actively changing when you have to do it in sequence"
are you trying to re-derive cartesian to polar?
polar is everything
"don't take a logically-defined subset off of the data that you're actively changing when you have to do it in sequence"