[work] what's Professionalese for "I'm scared please come back and hold my hand"

something with the phrase "could you provide further guidance" maybe?

"I'd like to connect with you again to be sure I'm doing what you'd envisioned," maybe?

So I'm technically an "associate" analyst, which puts me at an implicitly low level (even though there are no other analysts in the department? I think it's just a "recent hire" thing though). and I kind of thought I'd just stay in my little silo and at most talk to the department head every so often.

my boss Lindsey, otoh, has been with our company for a long-ass time, and is also in a weird position where she sometimes reports to people far above the department head, and interacts with EVERYONE along the way

the upshot of which is that she's sometimes casually like "oh okay so for that just email [Senior VP] and CC [Actual President Of The Company]" and I'm like ................ yes'm

I'm too scared to not have her vet everything I write to these people but she has a frustrating habit of completely disappearing after telling me to do a thing

so I wrote up a thing and I'm like.... Lindsey. Lindsey. Lindsey. need to send the thing. where have you gone. pls.

in this case it's a response to a thing from this morning so the draft is just sitting in my outbox and I feel like an ass for keeping [SENIOR DIRECTOR] waiting on a reply

Sounds like maybe a "Could you be available to review [XYZ] to make sure that everything is accurate and correct before I send it to [Big Boss]?"