By 1984, October 30 became known as "Devil's Night" and had evolved to 3 consecutive nights of arson on October 29-31; in that year, a record 810 fires were reported (5).
底特律的應對措施 Sixth, structured activities for children and teenagers -- including movie marathons, teen dances, overnight slumber parties, carnivals, and other activities - - were sponsored by the city of Detroit, community organizations, churches, and other groups.
Seventh, Detroit's year-round youth curfew was extended to begin at 6:00 p.m. on October 30 and continue through 6:00 a.m. on October 31 for youth aged less than or equal to 17 years unaccompanied by an adult.
Since there were children already out demanding sweets or money, why not turn it into it a constructive tradition? Teach them how to politely ask for sweets from neighbors, and urge adults to have treats at the ready.
The first magazine articles detailing “trick or treat” in the United States appeared in The American Home in the late 1930s. Radio programs aimed at children, such as The Baby Snooks Show, and TV shows aimed at families, like The Jack Benny Program, put the idea of trick-or-treating in front of a national audience.
Sixth, structured activities for children and teenagers -- including movie marathons, teen dances, overnight slumber parties, carnivals, and other activities - - were sponsored by the city of Detroit, community organizations, churches, and other groups.