god. god. GOD THO! and sylvie's exiled herself to the end of time because she got everything she thought she ever wanted and now she does NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO
I just finished watching myself and HOLY SHIT! I've been avoiding all spoilers about what Jonathan Majors was suppose to be doing for his role in the upcoming movies and BOY WAS IT WORTH IT! I'm dying over here! SO. IMPRESSED!
he's SO GOOD he's so good, tho I def had to be told "who" he was. ('he's said conqueror like three times now, he never says his name bu tyou can probably guess' '...OH')
but his facial expressions, his quirky physicality, his speech mannerisms - and now he's in theory going to be able to play a whole bunch of variants of himself? between this, quantumania, multiverse of madness?
Gods, I was NOT expecting the range that he came with! The facial expressions and the body language! lsakdfjdslk Suddenly I am a LOT more excited to see him showing up in things!
Gods, I just hope that Loki doesn't backslide now that he is alone again. It's good he turned straight to trying to STOP what is happening, but he was NOT expecting what he found.
ravonna is going to go find some free will, you know, the thing that only the person in charge can have, and is basing this off whatever Useful Information miss minutes and kang thought she should have
I actually was pretty sure it was going to be a version of him, or at least I was hoping for it. it seemed to fit, but then they set things up in WandaVision for someone who never showed too.
Yes! I am very excited to see where she shows up too. I was wondering if it was HER he sensed cross the threshold, but we never got to see anything related to that. Is she going to find Sylvie there maybe or was he sensing something else completely?
My friend and I theorize she was moving in the direction of being a heroine instead of an anti-villain like Lokis usually are and that is what got her pruned. She was playing at saving Asgard after all.
I am still kinda unsure how I feel about them combining Lady Loki and the Enchantress for the MCU, but I do like how Sylvie came out so I can't complain too much
there's not a single character I dislike in this show, but oddly enough, I thought sylvie was kind of the weakest. but now? oh but NOW. now I'm just like OH. she's THAT kind of character. and i"m left gripping my chest
She Who Remains. the only thing at the End Of All Things. because she has nothing else now. she burned her bridges. she got what she wanted and got nothing she wanted at the same time. she stabs him, and he dies, and she's alone, and that's it. nothing, to her, happens.
YEP and because SHE is the one who betrayed Loki in the end, she doesn't even have HIM or the vague plans they made. She really is truly alone and gained nothing because she didn't have the character growth that Loki did...or at least, not ENOUGH of it.
loki, choked up, holding her tenderly: I've been where you are, I know how you feel me, squinting, tilting my head: DO YOU tho, like....but do you, she's been living in apocalypses all alone aiming for a single goal for eons...
like IS it another timeline? I mean it...it is but it's like. the TVA as we knew it doesn't exist anymore, probably? like it stopped existing and now replaced by one another Kang made? or it does, in the Sacred Timeline that still exists, but now there are other TVAs that problably exist, depending...on..."when" the TVA was made...
/throws up hands this is why I was trying to figure out "when" in the in-episode timeline the scene of b-15 and mobius and the no turning back happened
either they changed it to reflect updated plans for upcoming shows/movies (likely), or they filmed them as possibilities, and also to throw leakers off their tracks
i love that he tried his best, like he was trying really really hard to do the right thing and it still wasn't enough, and everything was ripped away from him again
ugh it CAN be a totally different timeline because normally if you use the tempad and plug in, like, 'back to the tva plz', there's only one tva. just one. that's it. boom. you're there. but since every timeline is canon now if sylvie just goes 'yeet this bitch back to the tva' without specifying which tva then. augh
also I definitely should've twigged what was going to happen when b-15 was asking if "he" wants them to do anything since mobius doesn't know who tf's at the end of time. I wanted to believe. ugh. i'm hurting again
(that distinction belongs to uh. a barely-started impulsive frosthawk fic I started when I decided I liked the idea of ronin!hawkeye having loki's voice in his head)
I'm still not sure what to call him. evil!mobius is too simple. loki hunter!mobius is too much of a mouthful. ravonna!mobius is misleading. collector? collector mobius? hm. unsure. NOT THAT IT MATTERS THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN I AM NOT GOING TO SUDDENLY WRITE A THEORETICAL S2 EPISODE
/immediately leaves
I feel the intense biphobia in this chilis tonight lads
me, squinting, tilting my head: DO YOU tho, like....but do you, she's been living in apocalypses all alone aiming for a single goal for eons...
alternatively, there was that cat.
also miss minutes