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( D&D ) sometimes i think back on the last campaign i'd ever played and miss it
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lord was it nuts
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literally a fighter who just wanted to be left alone who becomes the party healer tank, the ranger that came from a whole ass other dimension
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goes artificer
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the barbarian was literally out to find her husband because she would only bear the children of anyone (man or woman) who could kill her
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and somehow becomes proficient in stealth to the point she could dunk on literally gods
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our cleric was chaos
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no, seriously, an actual agent of chaos that was their god-- chaos itself
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and was no a healer by any means
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a secondary fighter that accidentally monked
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the sorcerer was an alternate version of the fighter
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and the whole reason shit got real is because the party was literally getting too big for their britches, power level 9000, so yeah we had to go kill gods
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wasn't, even
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epic level campaign was "okay you killed the gods and now you have to fix the universe from collapsing, good luck"
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i think about those three years sometimes and i miss it
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and okay technically we didn't have to kill the gods but i was playing the first fighter and the in game mechanic was that if you reached level 12 and up in any way, as in every person in the world could level up, the psions would send inevitables after you and kill you
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because you'd eventually start developing psionic powers, and if the "lower creatures" started realizing they too could ascend just living life, it'd end up upsetting their balance
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and my fighter literally went "you're the reason my wife was murdered? welp sucks to be you" and took revenge
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and spends the rest of the campaign regretting nothing except having to share space with the cleric
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but also it was about controlling his own destiny and the fact that his wife existence was cut short just because she was destined for bigger things
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so yeah no i caused the universe to collapse and i wasn't sorry for it
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almost collapse. it got close
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in the end everyone agreed to become "pillars" of existence (aka a group of concepts that keep the metaphysics of the world working) and it's a bitter sweet ending but bruh
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it was fun
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i think sometimes i'd like to bring him back because really all he did was seclude himself into hiding and build an orphanage so he now just takes care of runaways and anyone that needs him
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patron saint of the azures, pillar of fire, knowledge, the sun, healing, inspiration and life itself
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also fun fact we managed to actually destroy an inevitable at level 5
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now we had to fight it because the fighter i was playing came from a line of people that once tried to rule over the psions and he's actually the last of them, and he didn't know that
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he'd been sent from them to live in secret to survive, and when the party was stumbling across some ruins (he's a mutt so he was actually several centuries old already), we'd accidentally freed a trapped inevitable
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one that was capable of scanning people and matching their genetics to fill eradicate these people
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so uh. yeah we had to actually find a way to destroy it
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or all die
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this was an entirely random encounter. there was a chance that we would have had a totally different story
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but that's what set the whole party on the adventure, because if we could destroy an inevitable, bruh, we were gonna be bad news for the psions. and we were tbh
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we only managed to destroy it by the skin of our teeth and one party member perma-dying since we had no one to actually heal
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let alone resurrect
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i might do some comics on this some day
dang that’s wild
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it was pretty wild
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extra wild part: fighter i was playing was blind
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so basically he was tophe but fire
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and i under minded our dm so much by complete accident because he'd forget
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even when i literally gave him a bright sticky note. so eventually it just became the joke of "what's jove gonna ruin this time" BUT after a while our dm actually made it a pretty epic moment thing
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dungeon encounter that involved an illusionist as part of a quest
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and he let me have the moment for all the times he kept forgetting to make up for all the slow down from him forgetting something very fundamental
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surprise, illusion magic doesn't work on the blind, especially if that illusionist assumes the one blind person in the party can't tell a real sound from a generated one and also has really good perception checks
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so we had a lot of fun with silly things in between and a good dm