Mrs. Sheepie
[irl] Today Kanela learned the second step in Burying Things
Mrs. Sheepie
step one: dig hole
Mrs. Sheepie
she was SO PROUD of herself when she figured that part out six months ago that she came inside, demanded we follow her, and lead us to her newly minted hole and even gave us a demonstration of how she diggy diggied
Mrs. Sheepie
step two: put thing in hole
Mrs. Sheepie
today i found her brand new dumpling toy outside, and she was very happily throwing it around. when I picked it up it was COVERED in fresh dirt, which i can only assume is bc she tried putting it in her hole and was so happy that she started throwing it around
Sunny Deerlight
jfjvjf Rika that's adorable
Mrs. Sheepie
funnily enough she HAS worked out step three: bury thing, but
Mrs. Sheepie
not in The Hole
Mrs. Sheepie
instead she puts stuff on open surfaces like blankets and starts shovelling the fabric with her nose to cover it up
Mrs. Sheepie behold, the dumb baby
Mrs. Sheepie
I'm so excited to pick up her new sister next week
y'all are getting a second dog?!
Mrs. Sheepie
YES, her little half-sister, same dad same breeder!
Mrs. Sheepie
Mrs. Sheepie
Awww baby
needs banana for scale
Mrs. Sheepie
I'll be taking a million photos of her in my lap when we pick her up
Oh cuuuuute
Cerise ♢
She is learning how to dog! :-D
Cerise ♢
Li'l sis really does have that 'teddy bear' vibe going on. So much fluff!
Winnie skipped one and two, she does three quite often. Or shove toys/chews between couch cushions and cry when she can't get them.
Dogs are so delightful.