the home recording studio is ready (LOL) https://images.plurk.com/4LCqGgQsh3C55GEVxRxMPK.jpg

edit: now a chatter plurk about music videos, editing, costumes, artist woes, kazie showing off her brother’s works lmao
me: why am i so exhausted i only had 2 meetings
bro: well before that i made you sing 2 belty songs a total of 8 times in succession on top of the other things we recorded
Hi, I'm new here... may I ask what you record for? (Avid video editor who did some audio editing and loves the business.)
(Erm, Avid as in eager, not as in AVID. I was trained on FCP and am learning Premiere.)
ChickletLARP hi friend! <3 today's session was for a work event (basically virtual 'bring your kid to work day') where we dress up as disney princesses to entertain. other times my friends and i post covers on youtube/facebook since covid's not letting us do gigs and shows, hahaha :>
Oh wow! Sounds awesome!
haha it is! my brother does the editing. today we did audio and tomorrow we'll shoot the video. still at home hahaha
Well you have a new friend cheering you on through the internet!
May I ask what program?
audition for audio, premiere pro for video :-D he self-studied because he got bored during quarantine hahaha and i'm the guinea pig (LOL)
Well any time after the 15th of next month if he wants another editor to chat with... >.> I took classes in FCP, but am also self trained and self training on Premiere and would happily trade tricks and tips! :-D
our home sessions started with just a v8 mic and one take of a song and he finetuned it on his iphone. then he started buying equipment so we could record the audio and video separately. haven't had time to soundproof this room so we just surround the lower bunk with clothes and foam to keep the reverb down haha
(I am just in crunch for con coming up now, so video editing is sadly on hold till I finish all my prep. Deadlines are coming up waaay too fast.)
Oh wow!
omg i'll tell him that, thank you! :-D
I am a pre and post production person. But unless I'm acting I generally dislike the production phase. Though in my directing class I discovered a few roles that were fun. But generally... I want to do scripts and planning, and then I want to do editing.
No, thank you! :-D I am very much looking forward to it.
i can show you some samples if you wanna see what he's done so far, but it's a lot of trial and error and "let's try this next time" hahaha
omg you do everything
i'm mostly the front person (LOL) and i write the scripts for our gigs hahaha
Yes, but I can't give detailed feedback now. I have a big deadline of "Friday" as in today, and another big deadline of Sunday. After that I have a deadline the week after, but less to do for it. So this week and the week before and of con are the crunch time.
happy to chat with you about script writing pst con too!
And I don't do everything. I just... have a lot of passions for theater and TV and film and music videos. Basically I am... unfocused, lol
oh no worries! just want to show you the progression of what he's done these past months since it's diy and all haha (he sews our costumes too)
i also have a lot of passions but my area is more on the front end, hahaha
Sure. And WOW. I keep trying to learn sewing but I am so bad at it
But yeah, during production I have done a lot of acting in HS and college. Love acting. But I never ever ever want to direct ever again. I hate casting, and I think I'd rather break my foot than do lighting or cinematography >.<
Biggest reason I think I don't have a YT channel of my own. T,T I have ideas. I have lots of them. And I have the skills to do at least enough editing to get started. But I have no one to do that essential middle phase.
Scripts don't matter as much if no one performs or reads them, and can't edit what isn't there.
I have countless external hard drives filled up with B-roll, but... nothing to do with it without actual content.
this is his first editing work. we used a v8 mic and an iphone hahaha and we recorded in the meeting room of my mom’s workplace XD (this is a christmas song in our local language)
Ikaw Ang Liwanag At Ligaya (Cover)
Better than my first attempt! (back on windows movie maker ages back)
then he decided to try something at home and play with lights and set me up a YT account (LOL) still with a v8 and an iphone, so it’s one take (though this isn’t the first take, lmao)
The Greatest Showman - Never Enough (Cover)
Of course now while I should be focusing on other work all I wanna do is propose a project where we each cut the same footage for something and then compare what we each did to discuss and learn from each other >.>
popping it out to give you the algorithm view!
one week later he went “let’s try this again but this time i’m gonna do the lights this way and you wear this” hahaha
Les Miserables - On My Own (Cover)
Okay, def wanna give feedback after con if you guys like feedback. Dang now I am all fired-up bit for the wrong outlet, lol.
then his 2021 resolution was to buy gadgets so he ditched the v8 and we did this (and 6 other songs) for his valentines project hahaha
Only Us (from Dear Evan Hansen Cover)
and one of his latest ones is this, which i needed for a work event and he’s like “let’s make a music video so i can practice” hahaha
How Far I'll Go (Alessia Cara) Cover
(Okay not watching that one, just because I am planning to see Dear Even Hanson, and have not yet.)
okay mobile plurk hid your replies, let me backread XD
ROFL, no worries!
oh no worries, here’s another one from the same set:
La Solitudine (Cover) - Mikee Amagsila & Gayle Sinad...
and omg that would be a good project to do sometime! after your con and all <3
he mostly does music videos for now because we're musical theatre people who haven't been able to perform hahaha
I love music videos.
not that we did a lot of productions either (they're rare here bc expensive to mount) though pre-pandemic themed parties were all the rage so we did a lot of gigs where we dressed up as characters and did skits and entertained kids and adults hahaha
that's what led him to invest in a sewing machine and learn to sew hahaha
I wanted to be a musical theater person but I am tone deaf. So I do non musical theater (back before I had to stop acting) and attend musical theater as an avid fan.
renting costumes EVERY TIME is expensive lmao
I have a sewing machine. Tool a class in it. I am pretty sure I only passed the class because the teacher felt bad for me (someone tried to mug me on the way to the final and I was in BAD SHAPE emotionally when I showed up.)
Costumes are 99% of why I want to be able to sew
I am a cosplayer. :-D
Is there a reason you guys aren't monetizing on youtube?
(Not sure what the laws are for covers in your country)
(To be fair, not sure what the laws about covers are in mine either)
we’re just starting, mostly? so we feel we don’t have what it takes to attempt it, hahaha. also we do these for fun so we might not be able to churn our regular content, and he’s worried since he’s the only one doing editing and things that he’ll get tired of it eventually and move on to a new thing lmaooo
fair enough.
oh some of his costumes
https://images.plurk.com/6rrGW3HAE8RNcD5ggMiaBS.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2T4c9vNG02DLNceNrZnpDE.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4LIw7pw5Q5idAojX0zwTnE.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6uHZt6oACGkNIAa0yx1TyI.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2n8KzbdFaiSLeS7T7nA5TX.jpg https://images.plurk.com/522MLc0TX4mlwtW0qTQegH.jpg
My dream is one day to be able to make a living doing vid editing and/or writing as work from home.
HOLY WOW. I am super awed and envious. You guys are awesome!
https://images.plurk.com/4FgxI2UDV6VGBlXJMGyCM8.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6c8OQeTgyPMTIUgX7UN6pu.jpg
(Also, you don't happen to RP either of those last two, do you?)
(Asking for reasons >.> )
we’re bad at monetizing (LOL) when we get casted for a themed party we end up spending more on our costume/gear than what we’re actually paid because we go all out (or at least the best we can, since costumes are hard to be accurate and some modifications have to be made for the stage lmao)
don’t we all have that dream (LOL)
Well, yeah, but even if you monetize and it doesn't cover ALL costs... it covers some and at the end, what you bought and made belongs to you to keep. For net less than if you had done it JUST for the fun I'm sure you also had.
and alas no, i don’t. i might be enabled to, at some point in the future when my day job isn’t taking up most of my time hahahaha
I shall have to try an enable you. Esp. if you could be enabled to live action movie Maleficent. Because I have been DYING for her to play off my Mal... and Mal is about to be joining a new game since her current one kind of... stalled.
Mal with a version of her mum that actually WANTS a daughter? That has actual maternal instincts? YES PLEASE
........... i do like LA maleficent (as unpopular an opinion as that might be)
OH and you should meet shookspeare, she does puppets!
(speaking of which, our collab is still on the table hahaha)
I don't generally share images of me in cosplay because I love the fact that on the net I am judged by what I say and do, rather than how I look... but I do have one I can share >.>
Otakon 2015 - Monster in the Darkness by FrozenTailC...
This character: https://imgs.plurk.com/QzN/cM3/XVnJ6d8rKtYXhYIBAgBaNsAvm1z_lg.jpg
(Since MITD is kind of niche so most people don't necc. know who it is.)
i was about to ask if you have any! hahaha but yeah, the internet is... wild, so i get that. i’m just pretty okay talking about things here occasionally bc not a lot of people really look past friends i’ve kind of known for a while now lol
anyway i totally did not know who it is, welp. but look at you pulling that off!!
I get that. We all have our own levels of comfort.
i’ve never actually cosplayed
Gods I love that costume. And going shopping at the farmers' market before con in it is wild.
Cosplay is so much fun!
Only two things will ever get me to wear make up. Acting and cosplay. I hate hate hate the stuff. But to be on stage/in front of a camera or in costume at a con? I'll put up with it,
so i’m always amazed by those who do. i’m glad cons are back there! there’s like... maybe one here and not even big? the closest i’ve ever gotten to are the costumed performances, haha. like maleficent was for a halloween gig at a mall who had a trick or treat event, evie was for our office year end party lmao
You were in costume, acting the role, and having fun? Still counts in my book!
SAME. the most i put on a daily basis (when i wasn’t working from home!) is powder and lipstick. that’s it (LOL)
And cons are juuuust starting to come back. But the one I work... I'm actually going to work from home. I'm not getting on Delta with Delta varient.
I couldn't even do that willingly.
Closest I ever came was lip balm and I had to stop wearing that. Because... um... I got the flavored ones. And good flavour + OCD... I started eating them
haha i’m glad it counts! though kids are also fun and easy to please? they’ll believe you when they see you in costume (LOL)
and that’s fair bc some lip balms really taste good???
I love working with kids. My acting troupe in HS went all over and I love love loved going to the schools.
Though we were more careful with our scene choices for the kids than say for the nursing homes or board of ed. I mean, two of my monologues were in theory about/by kids but.... not really what we wanted to put in front of them, lol.
Like one was from the POV of this one really messed up kid (I think it was originally a Lilly Tomlin sketch, maybe?) that stole another kid's frogs and... let's just say it glorified animal cruelty on the surface while making it clear that the kid excited about it was pretty messed up.
And the other was a woman talking to her therapist about a play she went to as a kid (Peter Pan) and how the play just got worse and worse and ends with a line that all but sums up her depression "What;s the point of trying, if Tinkerbelle is just going to die?"
(somehow I kept getting the most disturbing and messed up monologues. My friend got house of They. Another got strong self confidence pieces. I got squashed frogs and depression.)
I also got existential ones and sad ones and just... I guess he decided I fit a type of comedy from a place of pain, because I got very few ones that were strong character ones or funny because funny ones... an this impression is all disturbing hindsight just now occurring to me.