healthcare in this country sucks a big bag of dicks
I'm just ... why do I have to go through this at least once a year with one of us where I just have to basically fight to get what we need.
sometimes it's more
I fought DURING the pandemic for my son to get the medication he needs. They were out of the name brand, so they tried to give him the generic but insurance wouldn't approve that so the doctor had to write A NEW PRESCRIPTION FOR THE BLOODY GENERIC.
and now we have to change one of his meds, because he's older and every 12 hours is more reasonable than every six.
it's a mixed med so only certain pharmacies do it.
our usual DOESN'T and won't order it
and waited an hour only to be told, they needed pre-authorization from the insurance so I called the doctor again and had to leave a message and then I left because I was fucking tired.
(Already had a long day of waiting for husband's doctor's appt)
so I leave and then get a text that it's ready
nah I'll show up tomorrow.
I'm just ... why the fuck to I have to fight with preauthorization.
fuck u ins. go die in a fucking fire.
/rant probably will delete this later
just had to get it out of my system so I can fucking sleep.
Le Chat Noir
Health insurance needs to be destroyed. They profit on human suffering and drive prices up so they profit more.
Le Chat Noir : a-fucking-men
I would gladly pay more for necessities IF in the run of things, it meant that everyone could get what they needed. Still not authorized. I don't need it but it makes things a pain in the butt