[羅馬] 看到有人在討論一世紀羅馬劍形狀的發展,有人在下面說他覺得那張圖的年代有誤啊不夠精確,然後年表的作者就被tag出來了!!!(前排吃瓜
Obviously I am late for the discussion, sorry 🙈
It is a difficult topic, as we have to face some problems of typology and chronology. Daggers of the Vindonissa type dominate the 2nd half of the 1st century, while the Mainz type is highly in fashion during th first half, as the archaeological record shows.
Finds like the Velsen and the Haltern dagger prove that the Vindonissa type appears in the early 1st century occasionally, too. Yet I agree with 社員名字碼掉 that this particular dagger should be dated to the 2nd half of the 1st century.
The decoration uses exclusively silver for the inlays, which is quite typical for the later versions of the Vindonissa type, will the earlier finds almost always include red enamel or alloys with a high amount of copper (thus having a reddish colour).
Just the Oberammergau dagger is an exception from that rule, while it has no scabbard sheet, but a full metall scabbard. The decoration of the dagger we talk about is rather sloppy and doesn’t show the precision of the earlier finds (especially Velsen and Haltern).
This makes it comparable to the eponymous finds from Vindonissa, which date to layers of the 2nd half of the 1st century. The flat scabbard sheet is an additional aspect, which Cesar already mentioned. Last hint is the inscription. The legio XXII primigenia was not levied before 39 CE and not stationed at Mainz before 43 CE (see Ritterling on this Legion).
So, a production date of the dagger before 39 is impossible and a loose before 43 rather unlikely, what pushes dating closer to the mid or 2nd half of the 1st century. Together with the stylistic elements addressed above, I think, it is quite safe to say that this is a dagger design belonging to the Neronic or Flavian decades of the early Empire…
https://images.plurk.com/5Y42Xcj3fpoQReiN3N8IVv.jpg Some of the eponymous Vindonissa finds, showing comparable design elements, especially looking at the silver inlays:
https://images.plurk.com/6zRYwVqIdjuqI7PwOkfBQO.jpg Detail of the Velsen dagger showing the preserved remains of red enamel used for decoration:
https://images.plurk.com/6HgXmoNDOX11QaiXJ8Vhfa.jpg The Haltern dagger, also showing the use of red enamel together with silver inlays:
Another thing to be in consideration is the rod tang, as rod tangs were introduced probably around Nero times
This book lacks a lot of precision on datation and other matters. I think being a B type pugio scabbard with only a flat frontal plate, a second half of the century its a better choice.