Emet-Selch, angel of truth, lord of the underworld, whose job was to manage the souls of the departed and likely oversee the deaths of the ancients: Please mortals, tell me all about your knowledge of death and the afterlife. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts.
Sorry that took a while because I had to define a fucking physics theory in a tag to Cecil first........ and then she just insulted Felix a bunch anyway
I'm so glad she's having a relatively benign convo with Gobo here.... and then she's having a fight with Felix that is turning into some kind of four way clusterfuck
the hilarious thing is that if this weren't such a specific thing that affected one person in such a specific way, Felix would not give a single shit lmao
Dimitri specifically is the problem because Felix has already gone through years and years of this with him and he does NOT want anyone ruining his progress
Mari is........................... very tenuously connected to other people at all, especially once you leave the (relatively) small circle of named characters in her canon.
DSFNASDK FANTASTIC THEN honestly this is SO delightful to me in part because I did NOT expect to get to flash this side of Mari any time soon at ALL but it's v important to her character and also I love to write it
he's been working so hard to mellow out and stop lashing out at people he cares about, so it's kind of a trip for him to have someone he can "safely" lash out at ksfjgsdfg
Unless you know yourself to be dead already, I guess, but let's just file that under 'personal issues' for now.
It is indeed, I see your ability to recognize faces hasn't declined. Good for you.
Like the jackass version of Claude
sorry Claude he loves you, you just know a lot of words he doesn't...!> Claude sasses back
Now that you've made it crystal clear that you have no consideration for anyone else when you speak,
YOU'RE NOT WRONG...... MOSTLY........../looks at rodrigue)
I am familiar with the man, and perhaps I rather enjoy his surly disposition.