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INTRO PLURK/AMA, because this has gone around various parts of my timeline several times recently, but always on days when i've been too tired to participate
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my name is iddy (rl name hannah), i'm 30 years old, i live in new hampshire, which is currently hot as balls
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though not as hot as the pacific northwest, somehow, i truly hope you all are doing okay
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my main passions are travel, photography, reading, and languages!! i love talking about literally all of these things; ask me a question about language-learning and i will babble at you forever
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i am a certified jack of all trades, master of none; work-wise i do freelance transcription and freelance housesitting/pet care, and i like doing political stuff locally when there's not a pandemic going on
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i worked for elizabeth warren's presidential campaign in 2019/early 2020 and will probably do more things like this in the future
HEEEEEY I'm from the New Hampshire/MA border area originally! My folks are building a big place by Concord, so I hope to go back soon and enjoy trees that aren't small and angry-looking.
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OH MAN A NEW ENGLANDER we are a rare breed on plurk
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well no not really i suppose, but 95% of the new englanders i run into are from boston
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i'm over in the seacoast area
Haha, I did live in Boston for ten years before moving out to Texas! But I'm from the old mill towns. Spent my childhoods over in Seabrook/Hampton. c:
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seabrook is gorgeous