[閒聊] "I cannot believe that we are so poorly made as that. Incapable of surviving in the state to which we are born. Grown so used to the yoke that there can be no progress without it."
"Homosexuality, sodomy, incest, rape, group copulations, necrophilia, and coprophagy are often part of the plots in order to destabilize the comfortable boundary line between the normal and the perverse. Rape is yet another narrative motif,
and it unmasks the socially repressed link between male sexuality and aggression and reveals the Gothic imagination's preference for power over beauty or conventional mores. Gothicism is drawn to all eruptions of unbridled sexuality, and the politics of gender involved in rape is as significant as the sexual aspect of the act." 呃要這樣解的話Gothic的確很我的菜XD
Scorpio next states, "Left hand, let's see the gun." From such a crazed and violent killer, it is an odd request; indeed, it has something of the locker room about it. Slowly and shot from Scorpio's point of view, we see Harry unholster the .44 Magnum with his left hand. Scorpio, with a mixture of astonishment and admiration, intones, "My, that's a big one."
I guess it’s just screaming into the void day for me, but one other thing I really wish people would get through their skulls is that critical thinking and literary criticism are not “critical”in the way that your mom is “critical” of your outfit. XD
"What function does this element serve in the work? Why might the author have included it? How was it incorporated, and how does it interact with other elements?
Setting aside possible intents, but looking closely at context and execution, what impact does this element have on the work as a whole? On different possible audiences? How does all of this play into or deviate from greater patterns across media?"
"In a world in which everything, including labor power, has become a commodity, ends remain no less undifferentiated than in the production schema——they are all rigorously quantified, and have become abstractly comparable through the medium of money, their respective price or wage——
yet we can now phrase their instrumentalization, their reorganization along the means/ends split, in a new way by saying that by its transformation into a commodity a thing, of whatever type, has been reduced to a means for its own comsumption." !!!!!! Delany到底在一篇奇幻(?)/劍與魔法/科幻小說塞了多少理論基礎啊!
"Today, biocriminology is often associated with conservative and at times retrograde positions on political and social issues—the reason that liberals tend to reject it out of hand. But phrenology was promoted by liberals, reformers at the forefront of progressive change in criminology and criminal justice.
In the early and mid 19th-century, the opponents of phrenology were the conservatives, people who clung to the soon-to-be-outmoded notions of crime as sin and insanity as total derangement."
"Irving Whitehead, the lawyer who served as her advocate, had argued that sterilization would violate Carrie's 'constitutional right of bodily integrity.' Moreover, he had warned, if a government were able 'to rid itself of those Citizens deemed undesirable according to its standards,'
a 'reign of doctors will be inaugurated and in the name of science new classes will be added, even races may be brought within the scope of such regulation, and the worst forms of tyranny practiced.'
"The new wave of studies of Nazi science makes it impossible to continue drawing bright lines between good and bad scientists....The new interpretation of Nazi science holds that the enlistment of science in a vast and disastrous enterprise such as occurred in Hitler's Germany could happen again.
If we truly want to prevent such a recurrence, then we must acknowledge that all science is to some degree politicized because it develops in a social context. "
"The significance of [Hadfield’s] case was threefold. From the jurisprudential point of view the statutory special verdict was an attempt at a compromise between two traditional alternatives. It purported to be an acquittal, for it used the words 'not guilty'.
On the other hand, it resembled the old special verdict in two ways, by adding the finding that the accused had been insane at the time of his act, and thus enabling the judges to return him to custody. It was an acquittal in name only, for it tacitly admitted that the doctrine of mens rea could not safely be applied to the insane.
A criminal lunatic might be as morally innocent as a man who had done harm by accident or in self-defence, but the danger of treating him as innocent was too great. The solution was to pay lip service to his innocence but use the law to make sure he remained in custody.
"As a historical development, the diagnosis or invention of feeblemindedness as applied to working-class women emerges after the dramatizations of middle-class confinements of mad women, bearing in mind the difference between a chosen recourse to psychiatric confinement and forced confinement by the juridical apparatus."
"As the wife acts under the command and control of her husband, she is excused from punishment for certain offences, such as theft, burglary, housebreaking, &c., if committed in his presence and under his influence. A wife cannot be found guilty of concealing her felon husband or of concealing a felon jointly with her husband.
She cannot be found guilty of stealing from her husband or of setting his house on fire, as they are one person in law. A husband and wife cannot be found guilty of conspiracy, as that offence cannot be committed unless there are two persons."
"...the Contagious Diseases Acts (1864, 1866 and 1869, repealed 1886), introduced to regulate prostitutes in London and the southern port cities in order to prevent the spread of venereal disease in the navy,
which provided for compulsory gynaecological inspection of any woman suspected by a policeman of being a prostitute, and made the refusal of an inspection a criminal offence."
"In the absence of a clear definition of a prostitute - and the problems of definition were discussed in the drafting of the Acts - the Acts applied to all women.
The prostitute became the public form of woman, both in the sense of being a 'public woman' and one of the few available forms of public womanhood.... pointing out that the Acts 'effectually clear [ed] the streets of all other women except these.'”
"the born female criminal is, so to speak, doubly exceptional, as a woman and as a criminal. For criminals are an exception among civilised people, and women are an exception among criminals, the natural form of retrogression in women being prostitution and not crime.
"‘Quality’ was, therefore, associated with television productions that carried the ‘cachet’ of legitimate theatre because of their liveness as well as their experimentation with story-telling and form. ‘Trash’ TV was television that adopted a series format, that is, a repetitive and predictable structure, a formula." 呃呃呃呃。難怪之前那堂課老在形式上打轉。
"The redefinition of police professionalism around the principles of scientific management, and the extremes to which that was taken in Hoover's new national police, also had an impact on what kind of crime could actually be seen.
Bandit crime became visible because of the numbers and types of incidents that were actually reported. However, syndicate crimes were violent and/or parasitical economic enterprises that often insinuated themselves in or masqueraded as legitimate businesses. Thus, syndicate criminals did not produce the incidents that defined criminal activity in the 1930s."
"Among scientists, few conscious ideologues have entered these debates on either side. Scientists needn't become explicit apologists for their class or culture in order to reflect these pervasive aspects of life. My message is not that biological determinists were bad scientists or even that they were always wrong.
Rather, I believe that science must be understood as a social phenomenon, a gutsy, human enterprise, not the work of robots programed to collect pure information. I also present this view as an upbeat for science, not as a gloomy epitaph for a noble hope sacrificed on the altar of human limitations.
Science, since people must do it, is a socially embedded activity. It progresses by hunch, vision, and intuition. Much of its change through time does not record a closer approach to absolute truth, but the alteration of cultural contexts that influence it so strongly.
Facts are not pure and unsullied bits of information; culture also influences what we see and how we see it. Theories, moreover, are not inexorable inductions from facts. The most creative theories are often imaginative visions imposed upon facts; the source of imagination is also strongly cultural."
"Science cannot escape its curious dialectic. Embedded in surrounding culture, it can, nonetheless, be a powerful agent for questioning and even overturning the assumptions that nurture it. Science can provide information to reduce the ratio of data to social importance.
Scientists can struggle to identify the cultural assumptions of their trade and to ask how answers might be formulated under different assertions. Scientists can propose creative theories that force startled colleagues to confront unquestioned procedures.
But science's potential as an instrument for identifying the cultural constraints upon it cannot be fully realized until scientists give up the twin myths of objectivity and inexorable march toward truth."
二十世紀心理學家。1904,G. Stanley Hall。 「女人的身體與靈魂在演化上較遲也更原始,男人比較現代且多樣化,不落窠臼。女人總是傾向保留傳統且拘泥於舊式思考。女人喜歡用被動的方式、透過從高處跳下的重力或用水自殺。女人摔死或溺死的數字比男人多。Havelock Ellis認為透過溺水自殺的女人越來越多,是女人越來越女性化的例子。」
via 我先前提過,黑帆裡面文明的主要影響在於光與闇。黑暗與「文明之外」連結,因此在402 Eleanor提到要「引領拿騷走出暗處」,海盜也一直與黑暗有關。這種黑暗的用法也連結到怪物或非人:Abigail Ashe寫過,從海盜「看似文明的舉止」才能「驚鴻一瞥那些曾經存在的人」,而且只有在「現今駕馭他們靈魂的黑暗事物沉睡時」那些舉止才會現身(208)。此處的海盜不再是人,在黑暗事物的統帥下,就如同Abigail之後寫的,他們是「怪物」。
"Let's play Classifications," Caldwell suggested slowly. "Or maybe you call it Guggenheim. You draw lines on a piece of paper, and put down classes of things like animals, you know. One for 'H' and one for 'U' and so on.
Like 'Human and 'Unknown' for instance. I think that would be a hell of a lot better game. Classification, I sort of figure is what we need right now a lot more than movies. Maybe somebody's got a pencil that he can draw lines with, draw lines between the 'U' animals and the 'H' animals for instance."
"McReady's trying to find that kind of pencil," Van Wall answered quietly, "but we've got three kinds of animals here, you know. One that begins with 'M'. We don't want any more."
... "We," he announced, "haven't got enough grief here already. Somebody's tried to help us out....We've got monsters, madmen and murderers. Any more 'M's' you can think of, Caldwell? If there are, we'll probably have 'em before long."
古典犯罪學/Cesare Beccaria
MAI Issue 7: Female Detectives on TV
台灣Netflix有13 Commandments!
The Politics of the Police
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
一戰美國軍方智力測驗(The Alpha Test ):政府/軍方拿這個去測士兵結果發現一半以上的美國軍人都智能不足!驚恐!(不知道智力不足的到底是誰)
嗯,Robert Yerkes。
Black and Brown Planets: The Politics of Race in Science Fiction
Antisemitism, Misogyny, and the Logic of Cultural Difference: Cesare Lombroso and Matilde Serao
??? 到底是什麼連結?能「忍受」這種東西的只會是某些觀眾?一直無法理解。
我個人覺得NBC 漢尼拔接受度偏高,可能是因為他的犯罪現場很精雕細琢且乾淨,更接近「人們心中想看到的犯罪現場」,而非「真的犯罪現場」,也就比較不會有排斥感。體感有點像「笑話要跟現實有點距離才笑得出來」。
「舉例來說,雖然我的美國老公覺得Midsomer Murders那種英式溫馨根本『難以下嚥』,我自己每每因為緬懷英國鄉村、小鎮、室內裝潢(尤其是窗簾和抱枕)還有口音而回頭看它。」
論文:Whitechapel第三季前兩集是用Ratcliffe Highway Murders梗。
!BSU那本也在提這個(實際上是John Wayne Syndrome但影集不敢用怕被John Wayne告),感覺在七零到八零間這議題在美國挺熱門的。
& 滿合適的耶,這樣American frontier 背景好像也可以?
和漾 : 我也覺得Redcoat和Flint沒到那麼搭,不過如果是James McGraw可能就不一定了(一直很好奇McGraw如果在其他環境會是什麼樣子)。發現我對1850s實際的牛仔生活好不熟,感覺要找專書來研究。
「女人的身體與靈魂在演化上較遲也更原始,男人比較現代且多樣化,不落窠臼。女人總是傾向保留傳統且拘泥於舊式思考。女人喜歡用被動的方式、透過從高處跳下的重力或用水自殺。女人摔死或溺死的數字比男人多。Havelock Ellis認為透過溺水自殺的女人越來越多,是女人越來越女性化的例子。」
我先前提過,黑帆裡面文明的主要影響在於光與闇。黑暗與「文明之外」連結,因此在402 Eleanor提到要「引領拿騷走出暗處」,海盜也一直與黑暗有關。這種黑暗的用法也連結到怪物或非人:Abigail Ashe寫過,從海盜「看似文明的舉止」才能「驚鴻一瞥那些曾經存在的人」,而且只有在「現今駕馭他們靈魂的黑暗事物沉睡時」那些舉止才會現身(208)。此處的海盜不再是人,在黑暗事物的統帥下,就如同Abigail之後寫的,他們是「怪物」。
對於這部在犯罪上的角度只想翻白眼。又來了,自由意志和生物決定論,搞半天也只有這兩種。然後角色背後代表的冷戰意識形態依舊......呃呃呃。好懷念勒卡雷。或The Americans。或美隊二。這部說實在有些安排和美隊二有點像,但政治方面的隱喻完全比不上。
Organic Memory: History and the Body in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth
"We," he announced, "haven't got enough grief here already. Somebody's tried to help us out....We've got monsters, madmen and murderers. Any more 'M's' you can think of, Caldwell? If there are, we'll probably have 'em before long."