"I'd been a fan of John Finnemore's for years.[...] I asked John if he'd be willing to work with me on writing the next round of Good Omens, and was overjoyed when he said yes."
而且(第一季成功的話)把續集也拍出來也是TP的授意: "Terry was clear on what he wanted from Good Omens on the telly. He wanted the story told, and if that worked, he wanted the rest of the story told."
至於故事... "There are so many questions people have asked about what happened next (and also, what happened before) to our favourite Angel and Demon. Here are, perhaps, some of the answers you've been hoping for.
As Good Omens continues, we will be back in Soho, and all through time and space, solving a mystery which starts with one of the angels wandering through a Soho street market with no memory of who they might be, on their way to Aziraphale's bookshop. "
看推特才發現Neil Gaiman邀請了Cabin Pressure作者(主腦?) John Finnemore參與續集的編劇工作
現在寫Cabin Pressure推坑文還來得及嗎怎麼連自介都改掉了
"Terry was clear on what he wanted from Good Omens on the telly. He wanted the story told, and if that worked, he wanted the rest of the story told."
"There are so many questions people have asked about what happened next (and also, what happened before) to our favourite Angel and Demon. Here are, perhaps, some of the answers you've been hoping for.
半糖布丁☃️🦖 : 原來是Cabin Pressure同好!
‘sadder’, ‘angrier’, ‘more confused’, ‘hungrier’ or ‘more on fire’...?