Demi Lovato Opens Up About "Reality" Of Coming Out A...
calling they for Demi and Sam is still a bit strange to me. Everytime I read they in the article, my mind always wondering, this is why Bahasa Indonesia is much more simple, It’s gender neutral. Also I still wondering, why they didn’t refer themselves as We, I guess non-binary is not plural gender
Also til The Merriam-Webster Dictionary added the words "genderqueer" and "Mx". Mx is use to replace Mr and Ms for non binary people. So it’s Mx. Demi
sama sih sebenarnya yg buat bingung itu gender pronounnya, but i guess we have to learn and accept it?
At the end. Yes, learn and accept it
utada hikaru juga baru come out as non binary
Sepasang Mata $
malah kalau di buku psychology of women and gender yang pernah aku baca, pronoun-nya tey, tem, ter. https://images.plurk.com/2itQvw8feNgcBjNM3RQxY7.jpg aku pernah nulis, tepatnya merangkum, soal itu di sini
Gender dan Komunikasi
*sekalian ngiklan
kek mana
evantonky : OH WOW til
kek mana : TIL karena emang baru hari ini (lmao)
kek mana
wow, til, Utada Hikaru
some article said we can also use “xe/xem,” “ze/zim,” and “sie/hir,” https://images.plurk.com/2zbTi9X2WqPcnO8h76TRqc.jpg
jengjangan ga tau juga ellen page udah jadi elliot page
Already knew ze is trans .