Hello Travelers! as we reach the end of the month, the mod team wants to say that if you've been struggling to get into rping lately, do NOT feel obligated to drop.
Our lives have been fucking insane for the past year and a half; we all deserve to be kinder to ourselves. it's no biggie if you're having An Off Week or Month or whatever.
would that look like something along the lines of checking in with ac going 'this month, my character contracted a case of the stupids and did nothing'?
alternately, you can always say something like "could not thread this month , but I'm still here!" basically just anything to let us know that you're still interested in sticking around
Our lives have been fucking insane for the past year and a half; we all deserve to be kinder to ourselves. it's no biggie if you're having An Off Week or Month or whatever.
just put in the same app from last time and you can swim on back
this thing attracted so much attention early on it, it got really intimidating, but this was never our intention.