Mad Larkin
[covid] I know I shouldn't argue with people on the internet too much
Mad Larkin
but man, this thread
Mad Larkin
(I'm lookashiny on there)
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
"this is AMERICA"
Mad Larkin
Nah, feels just like America. "I'm out for myself alone, fuck you."
Mad Larkin
see, that's the funny thing to me
Mad Larkin
yeah, what he says is emblematic of a lot of Americans
Mad Larkin
but what he means by "this doesn't feel like America anymore" is that he gets pushback for being an individualist asshole and that makes him angry because FREEDOM
Mad Larkin
side note: God I hate people in that forum who go out looking for confrontation. They're so aggro, all the time, and then they (because they're always conservative) shout about how liberals are so sensitive!