Mrs Sheepie
Intro plurk for Abraxas! hello new people!
Mrs Sheepie
does this at midnight for maximum American visibility
go to sleep
Mrs Sheepie
fuck you you don't even go here
Mrs Sheepie
I'm Maniette aka Mani/Rika, I'm a 28yo Aussie who does art and vidya games and very occasionally TV shows but MOSTLY lately I make OCs and subject them to various traumas
Mrs Sheepie
I post art semi-frequently, I like speed-doodling thread scenes so if we have good CR that is a potential outcome
Mrs Sheepie
um if you ever have questions about Coraline bc she is a Changeling and her power base is fucking ridiculous frankly, please do not hesitate to ask! I will gush about my characters with very little provocation
Mrs Sheepie
I'm totally awake
Mrs Sheepie
but ye for the most part Coraline is a pretty straightforward 14yo girl, she's just also spent ten years in a Faerie hunting party as a retainer learning how to predict her Keeper's random mood swings so she doesn't get turned into a deer and torn to shreds by his hunting dogs \o/ good times
Mrs Sheepie
this is a terrible intro lmfao, I got KO'd last night by a sudden headcold