Mad Larkin
[politics] I have recently come to a decision about political posts online
Mad Larkin
even if they have the best of intentions, if a post boils down to "here's why you should feel bad you have this privilege and others don't" or "here's why a thing is terrible and problematic!" with no indication of what the author wants people to do, I am safe to more or less ignore it
Mad Larkin
I may take that factoid into account when it comes to things, but if it's not a call to action, I'm not internalizing it
Mad Larkin
or else I'd just feel terrible about everything, all the time
Mad Larkin
(this was inspired in part by a post I reblogged that got this addition. the last guy on there is, I'm pretty sure, from Canada. and apparently thinks that the US needs foreign help to hold our government accountable for the shit it does. I am posting this in part to keep from getting into an argument on tumblr)