there was, genuinely, a part of checheyigen less ticked that he was pretending to be ardbert than she was ticked that he wasn't actually trying hard enough to fool her with it, because by this point in her own journey she was truly in a strange headspace
it was also like. at this point because of how her backstory has shaped her self-image already she's kind of. in this stage of partially thinking of herself as just, "a good ascian" who has to accept that putting up with the rest of them and preventing their shit for, in a way, their own sake, is just gonna be her responsibility for the rest of forever
so there is this genuine like ... "i'm not mad i'm just disappointed" undercurrent with all her interactions with elidibus, during this part, as a result
'fear of ghosts' can sometimes come across weirdly in a fantasy setting where ghosts Objectively Exist but I feel like it works for Alphinaud because like
if anyone (read: Alisaie) is giving him shit about it, it's because 1. she's Alisaie, and 2. he's not exclusively frightened of dangerous ghosts, he's wigged out by the entire concept of disembodied spirits even if they're completely harmless
the bit in Lydha Lran where Alisaie teases him by pointing out that they're basically ghosts in their current form and he fails to pretend he's not wigged out by that is just, perfect
so a bunch of war-hungry Ondo, whose grievance is understandable but not usefully actionable even if they had acted on it 100 years ago and been aimed at the correct target(s), have found a remarkably well-preserved Amaurotine archive - apparently of concepts - and figured out how to use the knowledge therein.
I understand the technical limitations at play here but it never stops being funny that we just lie down in full armor on top of our perfectly-made bed
google itthinkGarlond Tools
for a hot second'no but there's gonna be something wrong with yours when i snap it like a twig'
"I don't know what I expected"
bastard is here
eliminate the problem of drowning
remove belt
but what if I don't upgrade tho
frankly i've found urianger the more dependable healer but my experience is apparently not universalvibrating
are you thinking about the Sahagin back home? because you should really be thinking about the Sahagin back home
Alisaie: I'll kill you myself