Isle of Avalon
final reminder for AC!
Isle of Avalon
and by extension rewards as well!
When was the last time AC links were checked, please?
I.E. a color other than green to indicate “we checked and this isn’t right” might help as a warning?
sword gremlin 🔪
oh same question
big 🛌 energy
day before yesterday. if it says "Check PMs" then that means there's something up. WE're a little delayed on checking so if there's something wrong, we'll usually give a couple days for response,etc. in cases like this!
big 🛌 energy
we send a pm to the character journal and put 'Check PM' under the link if there's an issue
sword gremlin 🔪
gotcha, ty!
Heh, whoops! Just getting in under the deadline here ^^; For some reason I thought the AC check was the first of the month.
oh shoot i lost track of time
big 🛌 energy
putting check PMs ones in yellow and leaving the link available but uneditable since it's past close. don't mind color coding to make info easier to find. /o/
big 🛌 energy
update: all yellows/check pms are cleared, AC is done. drops are processed and taken list / comm membership is updated!