Peter Smith, An Introduction to Formal Logic (Cambridge University Press, 2020) Derek Goldrei, Propositional And Predicate Calculus: A Model of Argument (Springer, 2005) Aladdin M. Yaqub, An Introduction to Metalogic (Broadview Press, 2015)
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PHIL1310 | 香港中文大學哲學系 1. Patrick Hurley, A Concise Introduction to Logic, 13th ed., Cengage Learning, 2018. (Textbook) 2. Irving Copi and Carl Cohen, Introduction to Logic, 11th ed., Prentice Hall, 1998. 3. Merrie Bergmann and James Moore, The Logic Book, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998. 4. Alec Fisher, The Logic of Real Arguments,
Cambridge University Press, 1988. 5. Douglas N. Walton, The New Dialectic: Conversational Contexts of Argument, University of Toronto Press, 1988. 6. Douglas N. Walton, Informal Logic, Cambridge University Press, 1989. 7. Trudy Govier, A Practical Study of Argument, 5th ed., Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2001.
The body is subdued; "the letter kills" the body. The "living being" (le vivant)-our animal nature-dies, language coming to life in its place and living us. The body is rewritten, in a manner of speaking, physiology giving way to the signifier, and our bodily pleasures all come to imply / involve a relationship to the Other.
Any time we talk about body types, scenarios, or fantasies, we're talking about linguistically structured entities. They may take the form of images in one's mind, but they are at least in part ordered by the signifier, and thus at least potentially signifying and meaningful.
Derek Goldrei, Propositional And Predicate Calculus: A Model of Argument (Springer, 2005)
Aladdin M. Yaqub, An Introduction to Metalogic (Broadview Press, 2015)
對!收的幣數換算起來都可以買一台switch lite加上薩爾達了(最浪漫的地方)不過畫到最後面幾顆的時候心態很不好,成品不是太滿意<-我覺得我也很需要一個(稿子進度總是緩慢
1. 我們投入多少資源去建構此身份(如何做雕刻家時所投注的時間、努力和金錢)。
2. 扮演某身份所帶來的外在酬賞(如收藏家的購買、評論價的肯定)。
3. 扮演某身份所帶來的內在滿足感(如雕刻人體是所獲得的成就感和美感)。
4. 扮演好某身份所帶來的自尊感(做一位好雕刻家對自我評價的提升程度)。
文學多我的地雷,覺得很多都是一堆無病呻吟的字,字花我都不看。而且我覺得一些文學和哲學的困擾,只要多接觸其他領域或者就會解決問題。 好過份(吃鐵版燒一個餐上了三次都是錯的。)
1. Patrick Hurley, A Concise Introduction to Logic, 13th ed., Cengage Learning, 2018. (Textbook)
2. Irving Copi and Carl Cohen, Introduction to Logic, 11th ed., Prentice Hall, 1998.
3. Merrie Bergmann and James Moore, The Logic Book, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998.
4. Alec Fisher, The Logic of Real Arguments,
5. Douglas N. Walton, The New Dialectic: Conversational Contexts of Argument, University of Toronto Press, 1988.
6. Douglas N. Walton, Informal Logic, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
7. Trudy Govier, A Practical Study of Argument, 5th ed., Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2001.
10. Wesley Salmon, Logic, Prentice Hall, 1963.
11. Peter Strawson, Introduction to Logical Theory, Methuen, 1952.
12. 林正弘,《邏輯》,三民書局,1994。
13. 李天命,《李天命的思考藝術》,明報出版社有限公司,1999。 太多了
我又可以超時空了不過文藝營到底是做什麼 & 會有人看我的作品ㄇ
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*如果平时有主职或是学业繁忙导致练习时间较少,建议将其练习拆分为每周单一流程,比如 第一周主要画速写 第二周主要画线稿,第三周上色,第四周细化。以此循环。 不必为了完成度而赶时间,往往导致每一步都没做好,效率低下。
*预定报名会有1600元定金,提交报名表后助理会发通知,缴纳定金后助理会在开课前2个月发送入学通知。(注意:仅报3D课程同学必须提交作品 )
1. 加好友後只要噗首掛上 創作 的hashtag就,會自動回覆誇獎的
罐頭說話。2. 掛上 誇我誇我 的hashtag在噗首,就會自動轉噗到河道,讓其他人也稱讚。