i wonder if there's something.. like @ CR chart that we could get in the habit of using to keep better track of what characters have nominal day-to-day interactions whether or not theyre threaded... a tracker for the handwaved
like Maya having one list for Merain and what days she is there and who she interacts with there and then another list for what days she goes down to Nai'a and what days she roams around Bavan and who she interacts w on those days
it'd really help with the whole "schrodinger's rp" where it's like... "RS continued to exist between timepoints A & B, but what did that actually involve for like him"
1. Close friends wouldn't HAVE to make a thread happen each and every week to prove they have that CR, allowing them to branch out and focus on collecting more CR
and then another list for what days she goes down to Nai'a and what days she roams around Bavan
and who she interacts w on those days