“Fosun has promised to carry out an immediate investigation so they are going to approach the manufacturer in Germany to look into their plant,” Chan said. 香港包裝出問題,復星說要去德國查BNT的廠,BNT強調他們會調查生產過程,一定是傳說中的黑暗勢力造成BNT不敢說實話啦……
: 你說的可能是源於這裡: 『The company had intended to import the undiluted vaccine from Europe until the imposition of export controls there, AstraZeneca’s head of vaccines in Japan Tomoo Tanaka said in an interview published on Thursday.』 本來想從歐洲輸入但被出口管制卡住。對了歐洲疫情還在燒勒…… 但是他這個「undiluted vaccine」就不太確定是施打前要稀釋(兩種RNA疫苗一開始都是),還是集送密封裝瓶前要稀釋。
『The company had intended to import the undiluted vaccine from Europe until the imposition of export controls there, AstraZeneca’s head of vaccines in Japan Tomoo Tanaka said in an interview published on Thursday.』
但是他這個「undiluted vaccine」就不太確定是施打前要稀釋(兩種RNA疫苗一開始都是),還是集送密封裝瓶前要稀釋。