The physiotherapist has left. As usual I did too much, and my hips and shoulders are painful. My community nurse should be here in half an hour or so. That should be easier. She’ll be teaching me how to apply a dressing on my pressure sore. It’s right where I sit down. :-P
In the meanwhile I’m drinking tea and eating cake. (mmm)
Now the nurse has gone. I’ll try to keep the dressing on until she comes next week. This is where having a spouse or mother would come in handy. :-P
Time to hit the fresh strawberries!
you've had a busy day! And strawberries are my favorite! Enjoy!
mimi : They’re local, though grown in a greenhouse. (mmm)
Nice. :-)
say, Grace#🟦
Joan_W try some arnica gel I have used it on sore muscles, including the shingles I’ve had lately & a fractured arm. It really helps, its natural & non addictive (unless you really like not feeling sore)
say, Grace#🟦
I just keep forgetting to take a tube with me so I have it when I’m out
say, Grace#🟦 : Thanks! I was raised on homeopathic medicine, including arnica. Unfortunately my pain is complicated (autoimmune, osteoarthritis, herniated disks, etc). I also use Voltaren.
I tend to over do it because I used to be an athlete and I remember what I used to be able to do. I’m used to pushing myself.
I’m supposed to do the exercises twice a day, but I think I’ll start out doing half the repetitions, twice a day.
say, Grace#🟦
Joan_W I know what you mean, I do the same thing! I was very active as well