I was seized at midnight with a sudden urge to bake a quickbread
no not an urge, a DEMAND
so i've used a recipe that i don't fully trust to make a thing filled with chocolate chips and pecans and currants
and now there is a dish of all these things in my oven, presumably baking.
the batter was delicious but it was also really sticky/gooey which idk if this batter is supposed to be so WE'LL SEE HOW IT TURNS OUT
so here i am at 2:20 am waiting for a quickbread to be baked
idk what i'm doing with my life anymore but sometimes there's sweet baked goods and that's going to have to be enough.
https://images.plurk.com/5LbsamsrxxfL1WRhomahLs.jpg well she LOOKS done
covers it in tinfoil and falls facefirst into bed
update: it's delicious
i did a Good Job