“Because I was the only one on set, I started to think I was the star of the movie. Then I told Zack that I realized, Oh, not only am I not the star, but a lot of these shots are me blurred out in the background.”
Snyder rewarded her efforts with a fake Oscar statuette for Best Out-of-Focus Actor. 太可愛齁 不愧是查導
How Zack Snyder swapped in Tig Notaro for 'Army of the Dead'
Then I told Zack that I realized,
Oh, not only am I not the star, but a lot of these shots are me blurred out in the background.”
Snyder rewarded her efforts with a fake Oscar statuette for Best Out-of-Focus Actor.
太可愛齁 不愧是查導
幹幹幹幹幹 活屍大軍有這麼香的角色ㄛ!!!
還沒喜歡過這類型的演員 可是…欸扮相……
連伊恩爺爺都會崩潰的綠幕成果是數位後製進去場景的 太有趣了吧
[心得] 密西西比 S01-S02