CP Coulter
Hi CP, me again. What's Cam and Lacey's living situation like? She seems like she almost lives in the hospital, is it like an inpatient thing where she does pretty much live there? I assume Cam has his own place. Who takes care of Lacey when he can't, just medical staff?
CP Coulter
Cam has his own place, yes.
Lacey has medical staff to look after her when she's in the hospital, but when she's home and Cam has to be away, there's a caregiver and nurse to look after her. But it's rare, because as much as possible, Cameron is the one looking after her whenever he could. Of course he finds it a bit more difficult the more "successful"
CP Coulter
he becomes as an actor (that means more work, more schedules, more things to do) but above all else, he does his very best to be there for Lacey.
CP Coulter
Think of it like how Taylor spends a long time out of the public eye looking after Andrea and such.
Oooooh that makes sense, thank you!!
I was thinking earlier how I wonder how much time Cam had to like... process everything. He was essentially orphaned and parentified overnight at 16, that's gotta be hard.
CP Coulter
It really was.
CP Coulter
Like for the most part (and I'm absolutely not saying this to justify anything, I mean even he is aware that nothing could excuse it), I think Cameron never really had the opportunity to be like a "teenager" and be with people his age that way. Like, he had a lot to go through right away at that age. I wonder if that isn't why he gave in to Julian asking for
CP Coulter
a kiss. Like some distant part of him must've wondered what it would be like to kiss a boy the way teenagers do. But he felt terrible afterwards and kept Jules at arm's length on physical stuff like that after.
I kind of had the same thoughts earlier in the night, the "This doesn't excuse it but..." I'm glad he kind of kept Julian away after that though. It was a stupid decision only because Jules was so young but I can see the reasoning behind it.
CP Coulter
Maybe when Julian is older he'd understand why too. I mean it hurts his feelings, you can tell, that Cameron seems to be "dodging" him now and again. He doesn't think Cameron did anything wrong because this was what Julian wanted the whole time, but maybe when he's older he'll get why it wasn't a good thing.
Yeah, he's still young and that rational thinking won't come for a while. Cam pretty much keeps things professional now, yeah? Re-reading Cameron mentions on Jules page, it does seem like all the comments are from Julian's perspective, which makes sense cause they have different perspectives of the whole thing.
CP Coulter
I mean Cameron is still close friends with him. He just...doesn't touch him. ^^; it's very noticeable for Jules who, as we know, can be very touchy, draping himself over his friends, big hugs, and such. But Cameron doesn't do that with him. And it's even more noticeable because Cameron is fine being physically affectionate with the rest of the cast.
CP Coulter
And Julian is the only one he doesn't touch (anymore).
Yeah, I can see how Julian would feel hurt by that. Does Cam know Jules is bi? Cause they both did it as a "I wonder what it's like" and Cam decided no, but did Jules ever tell Cam what he thought about it?
CP Coulter
He knows about Julian's bi-ness, yes. And I think Jules made it clear that he was really happy to have kissed Cameron, that he wanted it to be someone he actually "liked" instead of "losing" the first kiss out of job obligations for a scene. But then Cameron started avoiding him in that way, and it just made Jules think that maybe Cameron didn't enjoy it as
CP Coulter
much as he thought he did
That's fair. I did wonder if Jules thought maybe Cam was avoiding him for homophobic reasons, since he's the only non-straight one in the main cast.
CP Coulter
Oh he definitely knows it's not homophobic reasons, Cameron's always been vocal about supporting LGBT people. (Which is why Julian just thinks that maybe the problem is him somehow, so maybe that's why Cameron won't act close him anymore.)
It'll all make sense one day Julian
Good on Cam again though for doing the right thing and keeping him at distance, and also for looking after Lacey. I gotta give him props sometimes.
CP Coulter
Maybe when he's older, and understands what's going on a little better, he can talk to Cameron about it, and Julian will get to decide how to approach it from there, and decide for himself what he feels about what happened. Sort it out with Cameron.
Yeah. He's gotta sort his more important other life stuff out right now, like recovering from a coma lmfao.