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The Gaze
Barry Jenkins的The Gaze,是他給Amazon拍 TheUndergroundRailroad 時駐足於背景演員身上的一場紀錄、和歷史的對視,喜歡他的註解,還有音樂也是一流: "This is an act of seeing. Of seeing them. And maybe, in a soft-headed way, of opening a portal where THEY may see US, the benefactors of their efforts, of the lives they LIVED."
The Underground Railroad - Official Trailer | Prime ...
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"we have sought to give embodiment to the souls of our ancestors frozen in the tactful but inadequate descriptor “enslaved,” a phrase that speaks only to what was done to them, not to who they were nor what they did."
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sought to honor the past through this imagined physical representation
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THEM - Official Trailer | Prime Video
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如何在呈現創傷和歷史的同時不只是重覆傷痛或二度傷害、trauma porn(消費創傷)的定義在哪裡、話語權和留影的是誰依然也是每次看作品時不得不面對的課題(不面對也不是不可以啦XD)
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The Underground Railroad, Vol. 1 (Amazon Original Se... 開始試看第一集很喜歡開場的慢動作畫面……不過前半劇情太痛我大概要找天心理比較好的才能看下去OTL不過音樂太好聽〒〒OST必收
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Caesar's Theme (Foundation Track)
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Nicholas Britell真讚,然後繼續留意他的作品
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劇情真是…… 就邊看邊替角色們擔驚受怕
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