左共喬拜登的國家安全委員會印太事務協調員Kurt Campbell他說,美國在大統領川普政府「從戰略模糊改為戰略清晰,願意在台灣可能出事時干預,中國會認為這會對中國造成非常大的不穩定」,而且也會認為美國一心要遏制中國的崛起,或是反對中國統一台灣的主張,這種做法可能導致中國不斷在世界各地破壞美國利益。左共喬拜登的國家安全委員會印太事務協調員Kurt Campbell他說,任何美國與中國之間為台灣發生的衝突,都不會局在一個小的地理範圍,它會迅速擴大而且從根本上破壞全球經濟,後果是任何人都無法預料的,美國必須維護自己的利益,不需要與中國發生軍事衝突。 左共喬拜登他在美國國會議員的任內就主張,台灣的REPUBLIC OF CHINA,以及PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA兩方是屬於一個CHINA的事務
Sep 12, 2001 JOE Biden COOL to Talk on TAIWAN Independence US-TAIWAN TIES US Senator Joseph Biden says Taiwan shouldn't count on American help if a formal declaration of independence prompts an attack from China The US won't come to Taiwan's aid should China attack the country for making a unilateral declaration of independence, US Senator Joseph Biden said
JOE Biden in his speech argued for the retention of what he called the "studied ambiguity'' of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, whereby the US would remain ambiguous on whether it would help Taiwan repel a Chinese attack. 左共喬拜登的想法,與中國國國民黨集團權貴們,海霸王有錢蔡英文們的主張一樣。維持REPUBLIC OF CHINA憲法體制的現狀,不要談TAIWAN的國家正常化,不要去主張制定台灣的憲法,不要主張國家的名稱是TAIWAN,然後呢,在一個CHINA之下,與中國談怎麼和平統一
JOE Biden also punctuated his comments with a clear warning: So don't go declaring independence, because we are not willing to go to war over your unilateral declaration of independence.左共喬拜登反對台灣自己主張國家正常化或是制定憲法去挑釁中國。中國如果出動軍事武力要統一台灣,依照台灣關係法,美國會提供足夠讓台灣防衛自己的軍事武器United States will provide the military means in terms of material to prevent that from happening
JOE Biden said that America's ONE CHINA policy rests on cross-strait dialogue, "Where the Parties Mutually Arrive at HOW UNIFICATION Will TAKE PLACE。 JOE Biden said US resources would be better spent helping Taiwan to improve its defenses Rather Pursuing a multi-billion-dollar national missile defense system左共喬拜登認為台灣的國防預算最不需要的是購買飛彈防禦系統難怪海霸王蔡英文如此喜歡喬拜登竊位成功
左共喬拜登的國家安全委員會印太事務協調員Kurt Campbell說,雖然台海情勢的確令人擔憂,尤其是在中國鎮壓殖民地香港民主後,中國可能以為沒有後果而對台灣採取行動,但是他認為要維持和平穩定最好的方式,不是軍事而是通過外交
JOE Biden COOL to Talk on TAIWAN Independence
US-TAIWAN TIES US Senator Joseph Biden says Taiwan shouldn't count on American help if a formal declaration of independence prompts an attack from China
The US won't come to Taiwan's aid should China attack the country for making a unilateral declaration of independence, US Senator Joseph Biden said