Each Tier can become a "Courser" which means your horse has learned a specific array of skills. You get skills when the horse levels, but they're not guaranteed and rely on the same mechanics as breeding; rng, gear, your own skill level
T9 has three types; - A pegasus that can jump high, fly, run terrifyingly fast and is attributed to wind. - A unicorn that is durable, moderately fast, but is unimpeded by any terrain and is attributed to earth. - A FLAMING HORSE CALLED DOOM that is decently fast, but shits an AoE fire attack as it zooms. It can also carry friends. Attributed to fire
When upgrading your T8 Courser to a T9 Dream horse there are 3 attributes you can "train" the horse with (wind, fire, or earth) and that equates to the % chance that you'll get one T9 type over the others.
I really wanted the unicorn because it is the most versatile for terrain and basically opens up the desert that I otherwise dread going to because of all of the movement penalties, debuffs (heat stroke at day, hypothermia at night) and I just don't like camels and having to swap my gear every time I reach the desert's edge
Theoretically, I can train the pegasus and sell it in hopes of buying someone else's unicorn. But I'd be 1) losing money 2) there are no guarantees I'll be able to get someone's unicorn because the market moves too fast
There's an RNG time delay between when someone puts a Dream horse on the market (you get a big in game announcement) and when the horse actually becomes available for purchase. It's somewhere between 10-15 min. but it means refreshing every second and sweating nervously for at least 5-7 min
T8 Courser
500 mil worth of Materials
Fuck ton of RNG luck
- A pegasus that can jump high, fly, run terrifyingly fast and is attributed to wind.
- A unicorn that is durable, moderately fast, but is unimpeded by any terrain and is attributed to earth.
- A FLAMING HORSE CALLED DOOM that is decently fast, but shits an AoE fire attack as it zooms. It can also carry friends. Attributed to fire