By sparking I also got a few 5uinits that weren't in the banner so... it's still nice. Especially excited for Shinon because my only other 5 archer was the free one from the previous event
And it's not my fault if I look at Male Robin, the Morgan, brady and Maribelle and I go "oh, yes, that's my to-go family whenever I run ANYTIME I play the game with male avatar
And I'm so glad you managed to get Maribelle! She's actually very rare and good because she's the only staff user in the game with a staff that applies the triangle adept status effect.
but my "I can justify pulling for at least one 5green mage considering most of the ones I have are 4 promoted* was kicked down the drain by today's free pull
I've been playing since Day one, I've been in the top 0.01% on multiple occasions, and I've been FTP for the last 2 years. I definitely know what I'm doing
Also did you manage to get any Celstial stones? If I remember correctly you get one if you've done 40 summons on banners with the sparking, and you can exchange one for a forma soul
It depends on if you plan to have her doing more combat damage or out of combat damage. Pain combos really well with savage blow to just injure entire enemy teams.
I'm at 1000 feathers because I just 5* child-Azura (It's part of a FTP guide and I plan to use her next time the battle is back) so that will require time
You always want the candlelight refine for this strategy so the healer doesn't get counter attacked. Most of the damage is going to be done to the surrounding units rather than the unit the healer is attacking because of the stacked savage blow and the Pain+ staff
Also me: I need my Ced's apprentice more.