比起但丁或米爾頓,整部電影敘事完全是浮士德。喜歡撒旦對於 free will 的討論,以及 Mary Ann 在寬敞但寂寞的高級公寓中近似《失嬰記》的絕望,而且粗糙的動畫和 Milton 房間的浮雕氣氛很棒,但 Milton 對 Kevin 的誘惑太直白少了點層次,或許這也是對 free will 的諷刺,但我覺得劇情推展過於可預期,甚至有點八點檔了。
“I have been watching. Couldn't help myself. Watching, waiting, holding my breath. But I'm no puppeteer, Kevin. I don't make things happen. Doesn't work like that.”
“Free will. It's like butterfly wings: once touched, they never get off the ground. No, I only set the stage. You pull your own strings.“
Devil’s Advocate (1997)
The Judge (2014)
Marriage Story (2019)
Dir.: Taylor Hackford
Based on: The Devil’s Advocate by Andrew Neiderman
“Look, but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow.”
Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16)
“Free will. It's like butterfly wings: once touched, they never get off the ground. No, I only set the stage. You pull your own strings.“
喜歡這幕,Kevin 迷失在荒涼的浮華塵世。
Dir.: David Dobkin
Henry 讓 Judge 難受,Henry 了解因此離家,二十年未曾回鄉。儘管最後的最後父子能心平氣和一起釣魚,Henry 能與蒼白臃腫的 Glen 擁抱,我還是認為他們一家人受的傷比獲得的治癒多。
陪审员选任制度 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Written and directed by: Noah Baumbach
這是一樁再普通不過的婚姻。Nicole 遷就 Charlie 的工作放棄更好的職涯岔路,努力扮演妻子和母親,Charlie 也努力做自己不擅長的事,抓緊空擋親近兒子。舊日美好都是真的,傷害也是真的,正是因為負數消磨光了正數,離婚才會被提上桌。