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Tag/Chat plurk for 5/7
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Kainé> Rey at Synchrony party THIS FOOD IS FUCKING AMAZING
Emil will have to innocently ask Kaine and Nier how the party was later.
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I realized something
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Kaine's tsun nature is gonna be called out
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isn't that GREAT
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Kainé and Nier just die when Emil asks. Kainé can't even joke about it being crude 'cuz it prolly gonna be
ʙᴇᴄᴋ 🍂
GOD YEAH I loved finding that out
ʙᴇᴄᴋ 🍂
Because characters can try to be like (gwhatever) about Syncing up with someone, end up glowing because they secretly like it...
ʙᴇᴄᴋ 🍂
"nO (gfuu)"
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LOL Yeah
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"I don't like you baka"
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'cuz Kaine would say that
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I mean p sure those gems were glowing pretty brightly with Kaine and Rey too
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/proceeds to nerd out
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Zelda> Varen- What's being a warewolf like?
ʙᴇᴄᴋ 🍂
Oh yeah, I think I mentioned in a tag that Rey's gem was glowing... since it's on her chest and difficult to hide when she's nekked, lol
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Kaine's is on the small of her back
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but glows blue so... easily seen
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Zelda> Geralt- Triggery question
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Zelda> Alucard Talking about her failures
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Kainé> Ashi Still can't get over the food
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Kainé> Rey More fucking amazing food. Then check out he rest of the house
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Tagvana for now
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Kainé> Ashi again- What Celestial room?
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starfighter Working on my CR chart. What you think is a good quote for Ashi
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Pinging you in my chatplurk so I don't hijack yours lol
Oh gosh, what was a good one from their threads...
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"I think I'm starting to get what Jack meant by, "Personal things are private." ?
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"Yeah, thanks. I can listen too if you ever need that." ?
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Fuck I need more coffee and I don't want to get up
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finally figured out how to make plurk big enough for my blind self
hahaha i like that first one, that's good
glad you figured plurk out!
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oh nice! that looks really organized
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I love it so much
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so proud
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OK worked on CR chart for Noctium ppls. Gonna wait for a couple people to get more CR/more significant stuff to happen before I add them. Specifically Alucard, Wanda, Akira, Mikasa... uuuhhh I think I got everyone that had major things happen so far.
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Remembered Luke is another one I need more to happen with too
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Lemme know if there's anything I need to change about the stuff written with your characters
I love it!
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Also need a little more with Sora too
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Let me know if something significant happened with your character if I forgot you! I'm sorry if I did!
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That was to all my friends lol
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Ty Nᴀɴᴅᴏs I like how we basically used the same "quote" for both of ours lmao
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or at least the same part