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too many things to do today but I'm still going to TRY to put up a catch-all for Legato and turn in AC
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as we're like... just about a week into May. ugh.
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Zigzag Stampede ToMOMe I can't remember, were we going to do any yelling-in-Legato's-mind things somewhere else, or were they waiting for me to put up a catch all?
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give me a break how is the moving chaos going? don't know if you were able to look at Jamie's powers yet or not. if you're anything like us you're life is a whirlwind of boxes right now gfhdjk
Zigzag Stampede
Saw this just as I was about to sleep, but I think we were waiting for your catch all so you could fully decide what you wanted to do
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okay yes good
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go sleep! I
Zigzag Stampede
And now sleep for me but I'll come back and take a closer look at this in the morning
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yes! I will be working on this when I can throughout the day
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and as for Jamie, I was thinking that even if Jamie doesn't have the ability to stop Legato with powers, he would still be the only one with a hope of Legato listening to
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if you feel like being there at ground zero when Legato finds out and flips his shit
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does Jamie avoid the beach all the time? if so, then they could be hanging out together somewhere else
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and lmao because Legato can mentally multitask like a motherfucker, he will probably be freaking out around Jamie and yelling in his head at the Plants at the same time gfhdjkg
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🄳🄰🄽🄲🄴🅁 and then sometime later, in whatever mental state he ends up in, he'll go hunt Rhys down later to be weird at :'D
give me a break
>.> we should throw Rip and Legato at each other again at some point. ....
I did put a thing up in my one permalog that you can reply to if you'd like or we can do something in yours when you get it up
I'm heading into work now
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give me a break : CONGRATULATIONS!! if things have settled enough yet, lemme know what you think about the powers and/or beach and/or hanging out somewhere else together when Legato realizes that Knives is gone
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Silvertail : oh snap, yeah we should. once I figure out how the helllll legato is going to be after this nuclear meltdown of his life, I can start throwing him at people
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ToMOMe : oh yes good, I will check that out when I start figuring out his catch-all
Yesss. He definitely knows where to find Rip so...
Yes be weird at him
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okay... one down! I finally replied to Tomoe's post
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Zigzag Stampede okay! I have a catch-all post now, which Vash can either just tag into with pinging Legato or however you want that to go, or I could write some kind of starter
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then I'll do a starter for Jamie once I know how that's going to go
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and one for Rhys after I thread these enough to know what state Legato is in when he tracks him down
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am I missing anything? I suppose I can do starters for other things related to his freak-out if they come up
Zigzag Stampede
I can write something up. Might be Vash mostly going: DON'T BE STUPID to start with
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lmao yeah I imagine there will be lots of mental yelling gfdhkj
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and if you want to do the thing where vash gets close enough for legato to start trying to use his arm and then getting out of range again, go for it
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dont know if I ever caught your opinion on that idea
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because he still doesn't know that legato can do that, yeah?
Zigzag Stampede
I thought it sounded like a great idea!
Zigzag Stampede
As it gives a good reason for Legato's other CR to have a chance to calm him down before Vash can do much about it
waaaaaaaaaah /hugs him :-(
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Zigzag Stampede : yessss. and now that knives is gone, I can't think of how else vash would find out that legato can trigger his arm :'D
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ToMOMe : he's a very sad boy D:
>.> .... i need to figure out just how Rip might stumble across this little trainwreck....
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Silvertail : he is going to be messed up for a while so you won't be missing anything if we don't figure out how to throw them at each other right away gfhkdj
Faaair lol
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especially since I don't think he is going to want to spend much time at home... lmao...
Then there's plenty of opportunities lol
yay I finally thought of a response
not that it's useful pfffff
→ yard sard
ToMOMe no it's great!! Plant meltdowns :'D
best tiemz