Axe Goth Real?
Inspired by Quinn's plurk: there is a bit of character writing and story integration in one of the Resident Evil 7 DLCs that I love, and I'm gonna talk about here because I'm not sure if they've seen it yet.

Axe Goth Real?
The Bedroom DLC is one of the most fucked up parts of the game. You play as Clancey, one of the doomed precursors to Ethan's adventure, who has been locked in a bedroom by the family, and you have Marguerite acting in her own fucked up way as a matron for the family, trying to gently win Clancey over to their side.

Axe Goth Real?
You have to figure out a way to escape the house, and if you make any loud noises Marguerite will come and check on you, to make sure you're still in bed resting. She'll also check the surroundings to make sure nothing's disturbed, rightly concluding you got out bed if she finds any changes.

Axe Goth Real?
You get two fuckups before she just kills you. However!

Axe Goth Real?
The game has a clever bit of mercy for this, where you can get an extra chance. Clancey is in a pretty prime position to eavesdrop on everyone else in the house talking, which mostly serves for there to be dialogue in a DLC where you're alone 99% of the time. One of the things he can overhear is Marguerite and Jack complaining about their kids.

Axe Goth Real?
If you get that line of dialogue, then make a loud noise to alert her, you can actually skip putting things back that time! Just climb back into bed.

Axe Goth Real?
When Marguerite gets pissed off and about to attack, Clancey will get the option to blame Lucas, saying he was fucking around in the room! And she'll just stop and apologize for getting mad at Clancey.

Axe Goth Real?
Because Lucas is such a little shit that she instantly buys it.

Axe Goth Real?
You don't get hurt, nothing gets reset, and she instantly leaves pretty much to go kick his ass which buys you more time to leave.


Axe Goth Real?
After all the shit Lucas does in the main game it's great to see him get fucked with in the DLC!

Axe Goth Real?
Between that and the line in the Daughters DLC where Zoe reveals she got into his computer because he uses the same password for it and his phone.

honestly it's great consistency because lucas may be able to make a lot of very bastard leaps with having clever ways to buy/build shit that'll kill people but he's almost always lazy as piss in the execution

Axe Goth Real?
He's honestly a great antagonist because of that dichotomy, probably the part of Village I'm wondering the most about is who can fill those shoes.

Axe Goth Real?
Jack is a great setpiece antagonist but Lucas' slimy ass became my favorite when you fuck up his bullshit Jigsaw puzzle death trap and he just throws a fucking stick of dynamite in the room after you.