It's Just Deca
would your character marry mine? They shouldn't probably.
It's Just Deca
Unless it's eichi, that bitch rich
God of Brats
It's Just Deca
marry eichi for his money
lotus 龙 wife
"too late" is the answer for one of those-
God of Brats
listen if leo were to marry eichi, eichi isnt allowed to die because leo is a needy cat and he'll die
God of Brats
that's just facts
a girl in love
unfortunately neesan would marry Eichi for his personality (and also face)
a girl in love
(and the fact that he's on bit)
that is...a good question prolly Not???
a girl in love
she would not marry Hiroto though. the very idea would make no sense to her
clash of clowns
wow i wonder
God of Brats
now i'm Honestly trying to figure out if leo would marry hiroto, and i'm pretty sure hiroto would just reject that idea entirely
God of Brats
i dont even know what leo's opinions on hiroto would be
God of Brats
but it's very funny to imagine hiroto thinking leo is pretty at all and then leo says literally anything and breaks the illusion immediately
It's Just Deca
a girl in love : Eichi's personality is????????? better????????
It's Just Deca
God of Brats : hiroto would not marry leo even if he were paid to
It's Just Deca
he's a loud gremlin and Hiroto doesn't want any of that
It's Just Deca
heavensblessing: TOO LATE
God of Brats
a valid life choice
It's Just Deca
Nammah! : at least Thanatos is probably a good housewife... But he's not very romantic for most people
It's Just Deca
gaelio: a mystery!!!
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
lotus 龙 wife
my other character is an immortal bird taking the form of a human and doesn't understand either human desire or human institutions. so definitely not marrying Hiroto.
It's Just Deca
Hiroto is just the worst to marry
It's Just Deca
He has two marriages: a noble lady because status and a concubine who he just wants to own so
It's Just Deca
and both of them went SO BAD
It's Just Deca
I think even if he genuinely liked someone of a similar status he would not be a good husband
lotus 龙 wife
at least to be fair to him, his marriage to his wife was MOSTLY fine as far as "completely incompatible sexual orientations" could go since they got along decently well, it was just the whole "Anathema" thing
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
I imagine they like. Got along from a diplomatic standpoint
It's Just Deca
The becoming a Solar was not technically??? his fault??? he could not have predicted or stopped it
It's Just Deca
he just has a way of going "this is going badly, how can i make it worse"
just cook for her Thantos, she'll bring in the money
It's Just Deca
also the only tabletop character who is marriageable is Toyger
It's Just Deca
And he is Small
she'll get you a cute apron
It's Just Deca
but he would make a good husbando
at least Toyger was an adult at SOME point
It's Just Deca
He was!!!
It's Just Deca
and he is the only responsible one with emotional competency
a girl in love
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
But was Savannah a good husband???? No
a girl in love
in fairness to Savannah Tama left first.
It's Just Deca
Keito? yes, Savannah? no
a girl in love
actually I think all of my nechrenstars either would marry yours or already did
a girl in love
Toyger and Korat were just work husbands
It's Just Deca
Savannah is the one who was like "we are married and i will never tell him"
It's Just Deca
HAHAHA you right
It's Just Deca
work husbands
the marriage is in present tense but it's a secret
a girl in love
that's true too.
It's Just Deca
secret marriage... secret to one of the people in the marriage
that's extremely nechronica sounding, honestly
true to the spirit of the system
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
Smudge would be the worst husband if you can't hold his attention
It's Just Deca
he's great if you do! Very devoted, very cuddly
a girl in love
that's ok. Angel doesn't need him to change.
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
doesnt he
a girl in love
Angel doesn't personally need him to change but may enforce it anyway for unrelated reasons.
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
he does need to do some adjusting
a girl in love
none of the Keitos are batting 100 in the husband material department
It's Just Deca
they're doing their best(???)
a girl in love
are they. are they really
It's Just Deca
Bombay is not very good husband material
a girl in love
good thing Angora doesn't care
It's Just Deca
considering his backstory was "kill the people i love as good as i can so they don't become zombies" and he couldn't even do that
It's Just Deca
cant believe kaz has married all my nechrenstars
It's Just Deca
my other tabletop characters are also bad. Dice literalyl ran away from his wife and child so he's RIGHT OUT, and Riz is only interested in murdering a king
It's Just Deca
which doesnt stop marriage but does put blinders on him
clash of clowns
smudge deserves a nice husband.
It's Just Deca
he does but all the boys he likes are TERRIBLE
It's Just Deca
he just wants to be pet and paid attention to!!!
clash of clowns
it's so tragic
It's Just Deca
how will he live
It's Just Deca
(he won't, he is dead)
clash of clowns
he won't.
good thing he doesn't need to live anymore
It's Just Deca
but he wants to PRETEND
a girl in love
Smudge deserves better than keyboard cats
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
but he loves them
It's Just Deca
he's so SAD they wouldn't go on an adventure with him
clash of clowns