Year of the Cat
Let's see if I can hit tag nirvana today!!
Year of the Cat
Maul - Ironwood
Year of the Cat
This is one of Maul's great fallacies and makes even his good friends bang their heads against the wall. Because he feels like he gives people fair warning of what he is and then they end up condemning him whether he does right or wrong, so what's the point in even bothering?
Year of the Cat
Usagi put it very well in a recent thread, let me see if I can find it....
Year of the Cat
Found it! Maul has a tendency to see people's anger at his actions as unjustified because he's never been dishonest about what he is or what he'll do. If people pick a side and it's not HIS...
Year of the Cat
Glitch has every right to not want to forgive Maul and I don't think common ground is going to be found between the two of them. But this isn't the first time Maul has been called out like this. And his reaction tends to be "what's the point of becoming good if the moment Deerington makes me do something, I'm considered a monster to kill?"
Year of the Cat
[There was the whole incident where people assumed Maul murdered someone but it was actually Fern who had done it. To her knowledge, everyone else forgave Fern but Maul was still cast in doubt. Maul certainly didn't do himself any favors with his behavior but he was still wholly innocent.]
Year of the Cat
He gets hurt when people just assume the worst about him and in turn that makes him lash out, because even though he's tried to do better, he feels few people are ever going to honestly believe him.
Year of the Cat
He thinks that there's no point when he's always just one step away from fucking up badly in most people's eyes.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Med'an
Aw, Maul. At least he gets to destroy a house?
Year of the Cat
That will help with his temper tantrums, yes.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Ventress
Fern still feels guilty about that lol
Toasty Mallow
See, I thought you were gonna go for the actual call out where Usagi says it isn't meeting people halfway when you don't murder them
casper 1995
Being honest that you're gonna murder someone isn't going to make them not mad maul
Also god Ironwood is being a hypocrite all over this post and he's probably gonna continue to be one SORRY
Year of the Cat
diremuta: And Maul still feels mad so they have ALL THE BAGGAGE hahahasob.
Year of the Cat
Toasty Mallow : Heh that was a good one too but I just really liked how Usagi was able to break Maul's personality and way of thinking down in a way that he can't really articulate himself. This is the great paradox of Maul: He's eloquent but can't really express his emotions or what he's feeling through his words very well at ALL.
Year of the Cat
And if you watch Clone Wars you see the way he and Savage communicate, who he's around most often, really don't talk to each other that often. It's all body language and facial expressions that they use to understand one another. Plus having the Force there probably helps connect them too.
Toasty Mallow
Usagi is in the Force but cannot use it, SO GOTTA LEARN TO TALK TO YOU WIFE
Year of the Cat
casper 1995 : Heh Maul is already like "Great, a non-so-psychotic version of Sidious." You can't fool him, Ironwood, he was raised by the world's most devious politician.
Year of the Cat
Maul - The Doctor
Year of the Cat
Year of the Cat
He's never learned to use his words to express what he's feeling properly which I guess essentially means he never got past first-grade in terms of that thinking.
Toasty Mallow
Toasty Mallow
Usagi always gets her way
Year of the Cat
She does at that. She's flat-out redeeming an evil Sith Lord through the power of love and friendship. I do love Qui-Gon was like all surprised and asked ".........A genuine friendship?" when Obi-Wan told him they were close.
Year of the Cat
Yup, one of the oddest friendships in the game but it works.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Luz
Year of the Cat
Maul - Amara
Year of the Cat
Maul - Neo
Year of the Cat
Maul - Ruby
Year of the Cat
Maul - Michael
Year of the Cat
Maul - Reaper
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
Year of the Cat
Maul - Wu
that's legit they can blame Elias on that one
Year of the Cat
Wu is such a good. He's now someone Maul likes......which may not be something Wu wants. (LOL) 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖘
Year of the Cat
diremuta: Good, no one ever inform Maul of this or he'll go off to kill him. Such fun times.
lol no it really isnt |D
but its better than being disliked by him tbh
wu has a weird ability to get angry men to like him
Year of the Cat
𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖘 : The true young politician. He'd be the one swaying the rest of the jury in Twelve Angry Men. Hey, angry men come in handy too! When the monsters come knocking, it's always handy to have a psycho with fantastic powers and a plasma sword to take care of them.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Ironwood
Year of the Cat
I'm really loving how the unstoppable force has met the immovable object in this thread. casper 1995
Year of the Cat
It's like watching a pair of bighorn sheep butt heads repeatedly.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
Year of the Cat
Maul - Varian
lol yes it is very handy
casper 1995
that is a very accurate description
Year of the Cat
One would think Maul almost enjoys this sometimes.
Year of the Cat
Which he kind of does. He enjoys fighting in any form.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Higgs
Year of the Cat
Maul - Vira-Lorr
Year of the Cat
Oh yay, at some point I got all my tags from March done cause I'm a slow sloth and y'all know it, so all my current tags are from this month! YAY!
Year of the Cat
Tsume - Larxene
Year of the Cat
Tsume - Jennifer
Year of the Cat
Tsume - Claudia
Year of the Cat
Ivar - Rey
Year of the Cat
Beast - Titus
Year of the Cat
Maul - Diarmuid
Year of the Cat
Maul - Jacob
Year of the Cat
Maul - Qui-Gon
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
Year of the Cat
Maul - Gabriel
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
Year of the Cat
Maul - Reaper
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
Year of the Cat
Maul - Fern
Year of the Cat
Maul - Varian
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
Year of the Cat
Maul - Higgs
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
Year of the Cat
Any Jedi babysitters feel like intervening before they end up dead by giant worm? MRS SEPHIROTH kiwi burgers sprakles Blythee
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
Year of the Cat
Maul - Reaper
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
kiwi burgers
i will probably not volunteer anakin because once he realises who this is there is a strong possibility he'll just throw them into its mouth......
Year of the Cat
Hehehehe. Terrible even to children. Tsk tsk, Jedi.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Varian & Luz
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
kiwi burgers
he's already killed children before he has some regrets but not enough to not do it again
Year of the Cat
Sounds exactly like Maul then. Honestly, if he found out what Anakin did to the Sand People, he'd just be like "Eh, it happens." Sometimes you just go Dark Side and gotta slaughter a bunch of people when your mom dies, he gets it.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Med'an
Year of the Cat
Maul - Luz
Year of the Cat
Maul - The Doctor
kiwi burgers
someone should point out they have a lot more in common than they think so they can get all offended about it
Year of the Cat
Yeah Maul would be all HDU! about it. So indignant he has anything in common with this whiny weenie.
Year of the Cat
I feel like Obi-Wan might do it when they inevitably team up to have a Dark Side intervention with Anakin like they're planning.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Wu
kiwi burgers
anakin would look at obi-wan like that miette meme
kiwi burgers
thousand years jail for obi-wan!!!
Year of the Cat
Year of the Cat
Maul - Michael
Year of the Cat
Maul - Reaper
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
Year of the Cat
Maul - Michael
Year of the Cat
Maul - Luz
Year of the Cat
Maul - Diarmuid
Year of the Cat
Maul - Xue Yang
oops sorry I was busy uhh if no one can do it, I can pop in
Year of the Cat
MRS SEPHIROTH : Just add a few extra gray hairs to Obi-Wan's growing collection NBD.
Year of the Cat
Maul - Savage
the collection keeps growing
Year of the Cat
Poor Obi-Wan. So tired. He can go in the Mandalorian sarcophagus next and spend the next month napping.
he deserves a nap
oh that reminds me, when are we doing the sarcophagus thing
Year of the Cat
Hmmmm, this weekend would probably be a good point!
Year of the Cat
Maul - Neo