INJECTION GOT! My recovery of energy starts today. Yay! Though I failed to thank awittyname for buying me B12 supplements a week ago on the sly. She's a sneaky sneak. But I actually think that they might have made this last week or so more bearable.
RL has interfered with me doing it the last two months. glares at the whole thing with work BUT, the one month I was able to do it I think it helped! I am so glad you have gotten your hands on some supplements to try!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm skipping today because I had my injection, but taking those plus my iron and folic acid, I should be rolling in the surplus energy! LOL
Though I failed to thank awittyname for buying me B12 supplements a week ago on the sly. She's a sneaky sneak. But I actually think that they might have made this last week or so more bearable.
and I love her for it!But I do feel that they took the edge off, even after a week or so!