解體中華民國體制只需公投,不用來一個車諾比事故。蘇維埃烏克蘭共和國的車諾比核電廠在一九八六年四月二十六日發生核子反應爐爆炸。Chernobyl nuclear disaster是近代最嚴重的核電事故,被國際核事件分級表評為最高第七級的特大事故。事故的主因是反應爐進行緊急停機後的後備供電測試,操作人員的訓練不足,最終使功率急劇增加,破壞反應爐。前蘇聯共產黨總書記戈巴契夫說:車諾比核事故可能成為五年之後蘇聯解體的真正原因,重要程度甚至要超過他開啟的改革事業。估算暴露在高度放射線大約有四千人死於癌症。
Thousands of animals were slaughtered in the area around Chernobyl as it was being evacuated. Brown believes fleeces from some of these animals appear to have found their way to the factory in Chernihiv along with other contaminated wool from farms enveloped in the clouds of radioactive material that spread out across northern Ukraine.
According to the official, internationally recognised death toll, just 31 people died as an immediate result of Chernobyl while the UN estimates that only 50 deaths can be directly attributed to the disaster.In 2005, it predicted a further 4,000 might eventually die as a result of the radiation exposure
The true toll of the Chernobyl disaster
Ignatenko was one of 27 firefighters who died of acute radiation sickness in the weeks after the disaster.
His wife Lyudmila watched her husband die of radiation poisoning—her close contact with him permanently impairing her own health
Chernobyl first responders describe radiation and de...
Chernobyl Disaster's First Responders Share True Stories of Death and Radiation
6 MAY 2019
https://images.plurk.com/DFYcfsLed6DXL7p9Bsa0N.png https://images.plurk.com/1uTZxeCsNPDpSywjhTEqGS.png
Photos From the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster
Photos From the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster
JUNE 3, 2019
As the HBO miniseries Chernobyl comes to a conclusion tonight, viewers will have been taken on a dramatic trip back to 1986, experiencing the horror, dread unleashed by the world’s worst-ever civil nuclear disaster