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i've screened the CR entries because im moving them to their own post
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but thats wip bc i'll need to update it all too
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gonna use the same code, i decided, but im also gonna be adding notes about handwaved CR stuff
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okay. so starting off with the stuff ive let sit in my actual inbox instead of filing away into the folder
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i need to think about the timeline though before i reply to larry's tag
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march 28: alec's post, norton & zhongli threads
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march 29: chilling with lark and pagan
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march 30: temp assignments, talking to B
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march 31: larry wakes up
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april 6: murder group project, edward's had E-Fucking-Nough
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steeples fingers...
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okay. good. this is important
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i was hoping edward had talked to norton before the thread with larry but i could not remember
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bc larry going "wardens need to stop talking and step up" would get two VERY DIFFERENT reactions depending on which side of that date the conversation happened
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okay i... need to keep my goals realistic bc otherwise i'll overwhelm myself, even though i need to catch up on a lot and want to do Everything
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... edward is ending up telling larry about his conversation with norton
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this is so belated bc backtagging but........
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Blackletter here is a link for your ears burning
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and for stalking for everyone else
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you can always tell edward's mood when he doesnt stop himself from swearing
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he actually swears in his head a lot more than he lets on but
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it suddenly hit me i forgot i wrote out his headcanon background... so thats linked in the OP now
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meme complete so back to tags and i can already feel my brain leaking out of my ears and thats NOT ALLOWED
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jesus christ
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Just👻Ghosts so you know how i mentioned edward's dokis
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lord almighty
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there's actually a lot to unpack here
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starting with "the more pronounced lark's animalistic behaviors shine through, the more edward responds to it"
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but then there's also "this tag was going to end with edward seguing into his next question asking for deets but he decided it was more important to leave it there and question next tag"
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and "wow it would be so easy for lark to play the instinct card if he knew the kind of response it got"
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bc edward isnt even really conscious of how he's reacting to it!
I am here for the unpacking
Lark works hard to seem human because otherwise people at home would react like prey animals and that never ends well
but the more he's around friends the more he's able to relax and Be A Wolf In Human Skin
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god yeah meanwhile edward has wastelander instincts at this point
so although he has no idea how it affects Edward, there will be more of it just because he's becoming comfortable around him
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lark gets quiet and intense and a little bit nonhuman, and bc of a combination of just edward's personality with wastelander threat assessment
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edward responded by matching
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"digging in heels" isnt really the most precise phrase but as close as i could get. less about being stubborn and more about doubling down
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its dat geo vision potential
which will definitely read as 'fellow wolf' to Lark
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and then there's the damn dokis aspect of it where lark does that and edward gets more into him
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which kills me
if Edward became louder or afraid it would set off a predatory instinct
RIGHT I fucking love their CR
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edward's doomed. and i've always kind of headcanoned that he was the type who gets suckered into crushes he cant do anything about and he just keeps PROVING ME RIGHT
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pours one out for him
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and GOD yeah re: predatory instinct stuff like. edward has had to essentially maintain and protect territory for 200 years
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his response to potential danger isnt to pick up and run or get hostile
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its to entrench
he does it in the right way, too. Instead of raising a fuss and trying to chase Lark off he's quiet and calm and Lark responds to it
(or change Lark's mind haha which never works...)
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which suits his personality naturally anyway, but he's so super lucked out on his job playing directly into his nature like that. its why he's so good at it and so invaluable in it
I think it also helps that Edward is aware of what Lark is, without expecting him to do any particular thing
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y e s. honestly a large part of that comes down to his approach to the barge in general, where like
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he knew coming in he wouldnt really know what to expect, and thats really been driven home over and over, so he's constantly trying to adjust his expectations to be as minimal as possible
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which honestly results in a "[john mulaney vc] this might as well happen" reaction
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he can't set his foundation yet bc he's still learning the landscape
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people are gonna do what theyre gonna do so he just has to be ready to adapt
Adaptability is 1000% Lark's favorite trait in a person
it's so incredibly rare
being adaptable while still heading toward a set goal is just, mwah, chef kiss
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sometimes it is so funny to me that edward is so adaptable because he has so many traits that seem like they'd conflict with that
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including "does not like sudden changes / not having time to plan ahead"
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but keeping himself open and attentive is honestly a large part in how he copes with that
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he hates making snap decisions but its easier to do that when you have more information and arent so dug in that you wont do whats most practical or effective
haha Lark too honestly. Lark is really. fucking. stubborn. Nothing will get him to stop pursuing what he wants.
But he is capable of sitting back and reevaluating how to get there and what it looks like
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last night when i was working on edward's timeline, i realized that the timing of his becoming a ghoul (very unpleasant process) with the end of the world and the amount of resources he still managed to gather, the stability he managed to put together for the cabots and their operation
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is frankly absurd
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it smacks of "the moment edward could move again, even if it hurt, he was up and working again"
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like, edward. edward. you almost died. edward.
You are allowed to take a break, Edward!
(Lark is the worst person to give that advice, so someone else will need to)
but man that perseverance, Edward
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this man deserves a vacation. except he wouldnt know how to function on one
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i am making such slow progress through the inbox, but its progress
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i WILL do the neglected log tags right now
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lol, that sounds like Shen Wei. What is taking a break? No, I exist for duty
the barge is kind of killing him, he needs 5 more jobs >.<
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workaholics united
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breaks are fine. taking the time to decompress and breathe is one thing. vacations????????
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edward's good for a few hours but by the middle of the day he's like "now what"
Shen Wei isn't even good at breaks, really. But ZYL brought up the idea of a vacation when they go home and he's just... no. This is a vacation. This is as ridiculous vacation. By the time we get home we will have had a lifetime's worth of vacation. (He does not like this vacation, he needs more to do)
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yeah depending on how the committee stuff ends up shaking out... which... i need to be thinking about... i need to sign edward up for A Real Job
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he will continue helping out in the kitchen but he has to be going stircrazy
Lark would be really disappointed if Edward left the kitchen altogether. Like the briefest of sad faces before he wished him well
If he could make ALL HIS PEOPLE work the kitchen with him it would be actual paradise
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edward 1. thinks its too important to have as many hands in the kitchen as needed and 2. likes the work and the company too much
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so even when he does sign up for something else he'll always come around to help out anyway
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... also 3. knows he's good at it
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also god it is a CONSTANT struggle to pare edward's dialogue down
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i am the queen of tl;dr which can sometimes translate to characters accidentally giving speeches
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and edward is not the type and it always feels wrong
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he does not over-explain himself and is supposed to trend towards blunt
yeah, Shen Wei's working in the library, but even putting in a full 8 hour day that's just... nowhere near enough
he's used to preparing and teaching classes, doing research, grading papers, being a liaison between his people and humans, dispensing justice at all hours of the day and night, etcetcetc and this is just... nope. Not enough. Nowhere near enough. Especially since he hardly sleeps
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oh mood???
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edward's used to having twelve different fires to put out, some of them literal, and while the barge is the definition of "when it rains it pours" it isnt consistent enough of a thing to keep him occupied
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Just👻Ghosts this is not meant to be rushing but it has occurred to me that my last tag could be read as like a thread ending BUT there's still something edwards wanting to cover
Gotcha! I will throw a response up 8D I wasn't sure but I am very happy to continue this thread
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(specifically talking to tiffany about whether itd be a good idea, and to also get ideas, to set up something creatively admiral-related for quill like with callisto)
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which would then also end up involving relevant pings if lark agrees they should do that
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edward's admittedly kind of on the fence about it bc ideally theyll handle it by doing the footwork. but lark mentioning the conditions on pagan's gun reminded him
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that its an option
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(also note to self edward needs to put in a similar request to tie use of the fat man to himself.........)
YES PLEASE EDWARD that could be so disastrous in everyone else's hands
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its been a note in the back of my mind but i havent gotten around to it and now i dont want to risk forgetting it LOL
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and after the flood he can specifically be like My Soul Pls instead of like. biometrics
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also fun fact reminded by your tag, human edward's expressions are also generally small/subdued. but he does that on purpose
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bc his face is actually one of those where his facial movements are very exaggerated
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adrien brody's face is just Like That
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and edward was like "no thank you" and coped by controllng his facial expressions (LOL)
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and a lot of it carried over to being a ghoul even after that was no longer true
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which is why his smiles are usually one-sided little quirks
I feel like because he's a ghoul he probably notices the subtler expressions more easily than most people, too, but that's an assumption
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ldmsfkjdf fuck just found this for edward
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OH MY GOD it's so perfect
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pours one or three out for edward bc he keeps doing this to himself
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its very common in the fandom to ship edward with his boss, esp in a "theyve been together a long time" kind of way
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while i do think they could work as a ship, i dont ship them in that way bc edward is too professional and his boss is too proper
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but i do have a minor headcanon that at one point edward had a small crush on him that he promptly ignored until it faded
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he has a type
Lark really needs to ask about his boss sometime, he's tried to picture who Edward would work for and he draws a blank
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which lark doesnt 100% fulfill but the part he doesnt fit is circumstantial (they tend to somehow be medics / scientifically inclined)
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but he does have the "reasonable, communicates clearly, has a Thing he believes in strongly and wants to work towards making things better"
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part down
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(LOL) edward is very good at coming across as Boss Type
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which is still accurate since he managed the family's employees
It has to be Some Boss to be Edward's boss!!
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[muffled sounds of jack cabot arguing with his mom about GOSH MOM I'M WORKINGGGG ITS IMPORTANTTT when she asks when he last ate]
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...which is a real conversation
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its cut but its recorded
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jack is definitely impressive but not in the ways people would expect from looking at edward LOL