bc larry going "wardens need to stop talking and step up" would get two VERY DIFFERENT reactions depending on which side of that date the conversation happened
but then there's also "this tag was going to end with edward seguing into his next question asking for deets but he decided it was more important to leave it there and question next tag"
edward's doomed. and i've always kind of headcanoned that he was the type who gets suckered into crushes he cant do anything about and he just keeps PROVING ME RIGHT
which suits his personality naturally anyway, but he's so super lucked out on his job playing directly into his nature like that. its why he's so good at it and so invaluable in it
he knew coming in he wouldnt really know what to expect, and thats really been driven home over and over, so he's constantly trying to adjust his expectations to be as minimal as possible
he hates making snap decisions but its easier to do that when you have more information and arent so dug in that you wont do whats most practical or effective
last night when i was working on edward's timeline, i realized that the timing of his becoming a ghoul (very unpleasant process) with the end of the world and the amount of resources he still managed to gather, the stability he managed to put together for the cabots and their operation
Shen Wei isn't even good at breaks, really. But ZYL brought up the idea of a vacation when they go home and he's just... no. This is a vacation. This is as ridiculous vacation. By the time we get home we will have had a lifetime's worth of vacation. (He does not like this vacation, he needs more to do)
he's used to preparing and teaching classes, doing research, grading papers, being a liaison between his people and humans, dispensing justice at all hours of the day and night, etcetcetc and this is just... nope. Not enough. Nowhere near enough. Especially since he hardly sleeps
edward's used to having twelve different fires to put out, some of them literal, and while the barge is the definition of "when it rains it pours" it isnt consistent enough of a thing to keep him occupied
this is not meant to be rushing but it has occurred to me that my last tag could be read as like a thread ending BUT there's still something edwards wanting to cover
(specifically talking to tiffany about whether itd be a good idea, and to also get ideas, to set up something creatively admiral-related for quill like with callisto)
edward's admittedly kind of on the fence about it bc ideally theyll handle it by doing the footwork. but lark mentioning the conditions on pagan's gun reminded him
its dat geo vision potential