https://images.plurk.com/7EZIJoDvMhlcZ86nyP4LoG.jpg First project with new/old sewing machine:
A cozy for the machine! Sizing up the lining.
Actually had to do the work on the electric machine b/c the thread kept breaking on the Singer. The electric one is a White from the 60s.
https://images.plurk.com/Y6NVdW5LGSaoe7Yl9Wuik.jpg Finished.
Was able to lick the breaking thread problem (not sure how - just stopped happening) and sewed all around the bottom to secure the cover and the lining.
That's a good idea. Believe it or not I have a machine, used it once for Halloween costume but it had a shitty cheap cover with holes. Packing to move, it has dust in those areas now. ><! I need a cozy too. Lol.
T. A. Lowery
My Mammaw had an old Atlas electric mounted on a sewing table where it rotated down into a cubby to leave a blank table top.
T. A. Lowery : I remember those.
T. A. Lowery : My grandma had one of those! I thought it was like a stage magic trick when I was a kid, and not just because she could put in fabric and take out clothes.
Megatron : It is like magic, even or especially after using an electric machine. It's so quiet and the stitches are so even. It doesn't growl and then suddenly surge forward (which may just be the electric's specific problem). So less stressful ... sigh.
Lludmila : I've occasionally thought about getting a sewing machine, but the truth is ... I'm a knitter and a spinner, and I have cats. We're running out of room.
Megatron : I don't have room for this second sewing machine. Ooo, spinning! Cool! And I have one cat left. Gave up on a lot of stringy crafts when they were kittens. The one left is 16 and reluctant to go upstairs.
Spinning IS cool. :-)