Adopting a positive attitude and practicing self-love drives personal growth more effectively than being hard on yourself
Let me hug you
do you love yourself?
Let me hug you : I loathe myself :-(
Let me hug you
Why don't you adopt a positive attitude and practice self-love?
Let me hug you : no idea how and never been taught to do that
Also, I've got no reasons to love myself. I've wasted my life and talents.
Let me hug you
​​​​ : you're too hard on yourself.
Let me hug you : hasn't been taught anything differently
Let me hug you
​​​​ : live to it.
You deserve happiness just as any of us humans
Let me hug you : happiness is a strange concept and quite unnatural one. We are born to die. We live and see people around us die. We get older, sicker, lose mental acuity, become senile, bald and blind - I see no happiness in any of that.
Let me hug you
Well, I won't be the first to point out, you desperately need a psychotherapist.
Let me hug you : I've yet to met the one who cares. I pay them to care about me and they don't. Fuck 'em