Working on a tiny app for a tiny game for modern AU of Randolph Carter. And I have feelings about this horrible fainting goat nerd.
The idea that in canon he was in the french foreign legion in WWI, and that his fainting when overwhelmed may be a symptom of PTSD.
The fact that he was so obsessed with the idea of returning to his childhood mindset and home, that he risked, and lost, everything... his place in the world, his place in time, his body, the privacy of his mind... to try and return to that happier time.
That he was clever enough, or entertaining enough, at least for just the right moment, that he managed to outsmart Nyarlath-fucking-hotep and survive.
That he made a tragic mistake (he was too excited by the idea of escape and exploration and didn't read the fucking manual) and was trapped, aeons before his own time, in a body that wasn't his own, competing with its native consciousness, and still managed to endure those long centuries and eventually make his way back to his native Earth.
Like, yeah, Lovecraft fucking sucked as a person. 9000%. But the concepts and the characters he brought to life are a lot of fun, and I think there's merit in reclamation.
/pets his lil' head.
What a ridiculous, awful nerd. I love 'im.