Peil Wiggler
Character shippability: easy to answer bc Peridot deserves anywhere from three to one thousand girlfriends
Peil Wiggler
she is a weird little trash goblin but she is also fiercely loyal and supportive and incredibly cute.
🐅 its harry
its true....... let her have them
Peil Wiggler
Every girlfriend!
Peil Wiggler
Basically if we've played together before and your character was 1) a girl and 2) not a minor, there's a good chance I have at least thought about it in passing because honestly Peridot goes well with damn near anyone
Peil Wiggler
oh right I have other characters
you do???
Peil Wiggler
Morgan Yu is probably down to bone, but if you want like, an actual relationship with emotional honesty and loving support and all that you will be sorely disappointed
Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
if i ever play her again I'd actually love to get her into some relationships but like. yeah she is DIFFICULT. It'll take the patience of a saint for someone to draw a single iota of sincerity out of her.
Peil Wiggler
She's a walking shitpost.
Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
Alty is tricky, he's most interesting to me if he's butting heads with someone who challenges and frustrates him (like Malik)